International ADR Practitioner
Donna Ross Dispute Resolution
Melbourne VIC
Sent: 18-07-2021 02:52 PM
From: B.T
Subject: Is Arbitration not within the remit of ADR?
In NSW, the state government condition of contract used for most projects is GC21. It has expert determination as to its primary dispute resolution mechanism but the determination is generally only final and binding if the amount to be paid from one party to another is less than $500,000. In most of the EDs that I do, that limit is exceeded and there is the option to litigate. However, having got a (hopefully well-reasoned) determination, few matters do proceed to litigation.
You raise an interesting observation regarding the role of the determiner as an ‘expert’ and not as an ‘arbitrator’.
In most cases that I have done recently, there is more legal expertise required than technical knowledge. Often in NSW, the appointed ‘expert’ is a barrister or retired judge. What then does acting as an ‘expert’ mean compared with acting as an “arbitrator’. It avoids legal challenges to the determination which often follow from an arbitral award.
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