
Prof. Michiko Iizuka and Dr. Gerald J. Hane


23 September 2021, 12:00


MS Teams


Attaining the SDGs requires a transformation of existing sociotechnical systems without leaving no one behind. Such transformation, however, is difficult to take place as the systems are embedded in ever-complex globalized activities and actors are less inclined to change due to institutional inertia, vested interests, and routine habits.  Moreover, it is said that existing policy tools are still insufficient to generate disruptive change with inclusive outcomes.  Meanwhile, private initiatives to solve social agendas that disrupt existing systems to generate inclusive outcomes are already taken place.

Applying case study methodology, this talk examines the successful cases, paying attention to the innovation ecosystems established to facilitate value creation and capture to sustain their business.


Michiko Iizuka is a Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). Prior to GRIPS, she was a research fellow at United Nations University Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT). She specialises in policy studies on development, innovation in the area of sustainability, natural resources and agriculture in developing and emerging countries. She has DPHIL in Science Technology and Innovation Policy at SPRU, University of Sussex and MPHIL in Development Studies at IDS, University of Sussex.

Dr. Gerald J. Hane has a career of over four decades in policy, business and innovation to advance initiatives for sustainability and social impact, with an emphasis on addressing US- Asia linkages. He currently serves as Senior Executive for APAC and General Manager for Corporate Strategy with Hitachi Asia. Dr. Hane is also a Visiting Lecturer and Research Fellow at GRIPS.

If you are interested in attending this Webinar, please contact Chris Matthews (c.r.matthews@brighton.ac.uk)