Centre for Design History

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Some of our PGR successes

Our PGRs conduct inspiring research and run a wide range of activities. You can find out more by exploring some of these blog posts. PhD student Nicola Miles supported MA students in subjects ranging from History of Design to Illustration… Continue Reading →

Event | Thinking through Making, Symposium and workshop – 2 & 8 February 2023

Hosted by the Centre for Design History at the University of Brighton and supported by Techne Doctoral Training Partnership.   What can historians and theorists of design and dress learn from the practices of making? How can we know fashion and… Continue Reading →

Event | Research Seminar, Pappal Suneja – 13 January 2023

We are pleased to welcome back CDH Visiting Research Fellow, Pappal Suneja, to share their recent research on design magazines.   Design (1946, Britain) juxtaposed with Design (1957, India) Pappal Suneja (Visiting Doctoral Researcher, Bauhaus University, Weimar) 13 January 2023, 12:00-13:30 Grand… Continue Reading →

Event Series | CDH PhD Student Workshops 2022-2023

Each month, the CDH host a workshop for PhD students and recent graduates. MA students interested in developing academic skills are also very welcome to attend, as are PhD students who are not CDH members. These are designed to help students… Continue Reading →

Event Series | CDH IOTA II Seminars 2022-2023

We are pleased to announce a new series of CDH research seminars entitled IOTA II (image-object-text-analysis). These monthly seminars are open to all and take place 4-5.30pm.   Schedule of IOTA II (image-object-text-analysis) Seminars 2022-2023 Open to All, 4-5.30pm  … Continue Reading →

Call | Design Archives/CDH International Visiting Research Fellow 2023/24 

The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton and the University of Brighton Design Archives (UoBDA) invite applications for a funded International Visiting Research Fellow (VRF) to spend time at the CDH and the Design Archives in… Continue Reading →

Call | Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellows 2023/24

The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invites applications for Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellows (VRF) to spend time at the Centre to pursue their research within CDH’s themes and to form collaborations with CDH members. The… Continue Reading →

Call | International Visiting Research Fellows 2023/24

The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invites applications for a funded International Visiting Research Fellow (VRF) to spend time at the Centre in the spring semester (January-June 2024) of 2023/24 to pursue their research within… Continue Reading →

Call | Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellows

The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invites applications for Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellows (VRF) to spend time at the Centre to pursue their research within CDH’s themes and to form collaborations with CDH members. The… Continue Reading →

Event | Archive as Method – 8 November

Archive as Method: new approaches to archives of creative practice What is ‘archival knowledge’? A new, ongoing Design Archives event series foregrounds the creative archive as a method for research, knowledge generation and exchange. It frames the archive not just… Continue Reading →

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