Centre for Design History


October 2021

News | CDH Director wins Philip Leverhulme Prize

Dr Annebella Pollen has been awarded a £100,000 Philip Leverhulme Prize, which she will use to fund a new study into the history of photography by children. The Philip Leverhulme Prize, established 2001, is awarded to UK academics whose work… Continue Reading →

News | Podcast: Graphic Interventions, Ep.03 Paris 68 Redux

Graphic Interventions is a new podcast series investigating political statements made through posters, banners and zines, produced and hosted by Harriet Atkinson. In the third episode, Harriet meets Dominic McGill and Michael Collins from poster-making collective Paris 68 Redux to discuss their work for Extinction… Continue Reading →

Event | Seminar series: Expanding Graphic Design Histories 2021/2022

We are pleased to announce a new series of seminar hours held by the Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton, led by our Visiting Research Fellow, Dora Souza Dias. Expanding Graphic Design Histories is an opportunity… Continue Reading →

News | Podcast: Graphic Interventions, Ep.02 Conversations from Calais

An example of one of the conversations captured and shared by Conversations from Calais. Graphic Interventions is a new podcast series investigating political statements made through posters, banners and zines, produced and hosted by Harriet Atkinson. In the second episode, Harriet meets… Continue Reading →

News | Welcome, Tamar Jeffers McDonald

CDH welcomes new member, Professor Tamar Jeffers McDonald, Dean of the School of Art and Media, who introduces her research interests and reflects on their relationship to design history.   The work of the Centre for Design History at the University… Continue Reading →

News | Call for Papers – Fashioning Sustainment: Histories of Resourcefulness, Reuse and Creative Ingenuity in 20th Century Fashion and Dress

Two-day international online conference January 21-22, 2022 Organised by Dr Alex Nora Esculapio, Dr Annebella Pollen and Dani Trew, with support from the Centre for Design History (CDH) at University of Brighton, UK, this free online conference aims to explore… Continue Reading →

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