Website Appearance Website Development XE Week 1 - introduction and websites

Creating Menus

When I had made a couple of posts and pages I experimented with how to edit the top menus so that each page is available.

It is possible to edit the menus by selecting the Menus from the Appearance drop-down options when on the website Dashboard.

wordpress menu options


That will take you to the menu edit page which allows you to add pages and posts to the menus. It also allows you to position the pages and post both in order of where they appear in the menu but also hierarchically.

menu options


This hierarchical positioning allows you to set pages and posts as sub items to other pages. This means that these pages appear as a drop-down option on the actual website. This is useful if you have many pages that all relate to one parent page.

drop down menu example


One useful thing to note is that there are some options at the bottom of the menu page. It is worth auto adding pages so that when a new page is created you don’t have to manually add it to your menu. You can also add a social menu which adds small social media icons on our webpage if you wished to link to your social media pages.

menu options

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