Looking for part time work around town? We found some and can help you apply over the summer.

Are you looking for part time work around town over the summer holidays? Local businesses often place adverts in their windows. Don’t just hand over your CV and leave, be prepared to talk to them about their business. Show that you know what they do and are interested. Pick a time when they are not… Continue Reading Looking for part time work around town? We found some and can help you apply over the summer.

Get outdoors over the summer

The sun is shining so it’s time for a round-up of some volunteering you can do in the great outdoors. Moulsecoomb Forest Garden and Wildlife Project are a fab community project just by Moulsecoomb train station. They’re open every Tuesday and Friday all year round and are always looking for committed volunteers who want to… Continue Reading Get outdoors over the summer

All change for volunteering on the Vacancy and Events Service

The Vacancy and Events Service is all new and improved so we’re hoping that it’s a lot easier to use for finding volunteering roles that you really want to do! Finding voluntary vacancies Here’s the new Search tool, isn’t it pretty 🙂   To look at just local volunteering roles, tick Type of Work as… Continue Reading All change for volunteering on the Vacancy and Events Service

Business Startup Summer Course

This summer, the beepurple team is hosting TWO courses. One, called UltraViolet, is aimed at students and graduates who would like to set up their own business or community project, and the other, called The Big 6, is aimed at students and graduates who would like to boost their employability, and develop six ESSENTIAL skills… Continue Reading Business Startup Summer Course

More pre-reg pharmacy opportunities coming your way

Here is our most recent opportunity but keep an eye out as there are more to come. Upper Beeding pharmacy are looking for a graduate pre-reg for August 2016 start. They have a great relationship with our university having had our alumni work successfully there over the last few years. They currently dispense approx. 3750… Continue Reading More pre-reg pharmacy opportunities coming your way

Samaritans Info Stand & Active Student Drop-In @ Falmer Campus

Are you interested in developing your understanding of mental health? Are you interested in volunteering? Come along to chat to volunteers from the Samaritans  , a charity that works to support people who are struggling to cope and need a safe and confidential space to talk; find out about their volunteering opportunities and how you… Continue Reading Samaritans Info Stand & Active Student Drop-In @ Falmer Campus

How can volunteering boost your CV?

  Volunteers’ contribution to society is undeniable but do you know how volunteering can also boost your CV and help your future career? To celebrate University of Brighton’s 2016 Student Volunteer Week, I went to all our 5 campuses – Falmer, Moulsecoomb, Grand Parade, Eastbourne and Hastings – to find out what our fellow students… Continue Reading How can volunteering boost your CV?

Turning a dream job into reality

Many people talk about their ‘dream’ job and how they would love to do this. All of us have different hopes and aspirations and there may different routes into your chosen area. This blog will help you to identify what your dream job is and what steps can you take to make it happen. Or… Continue Reading Turning a dream job into reality

Chat to organisations about their volunteering opportunities

We’ve got a very busy February coming up here on the Moulsecoomb campus with Active Student. If you’re interested in volunteering with any of these organisations, come chat to them as they’ll be joining my drop-ins: Macmillan Cancer Support – Brighton Half Marathon Cheerer role, Urology Outreach volunteer role Macmillan will be joining me next… Continue Reading Chat to organisations about their volunteering opportunities

What does Drum & Bass have to do with graduate employability? Josie Cadwallader-Thornewill would like to clue you in.

You know how we’re always telling you that ’employability’ and ‘transferable skills’ are the things to give you the edge in a competitive job market/get you the job you really want yadayadablahblah? Well here’s a recent Brighton graduate who discovered that for herself (and more besides). Sitting comfortably? We’ll begin… Photography by Stephanie Macuik  Josie… Continue Reading What does Drum & Bass have to do with graduate employability? Josie Cadwallader-Thornewill would like to clue you in.

Are you a coder? Share your skills with Code Club volunteering

  Coding genius or a beginner coder? Code Club is looking for volunteers to spend at least 2 school terms delivering the Code Club curriculum at local schools, libraries and community centres. Sessions happen once a week during term time and last one hour. Clubs are usually for between 10 – 20 children and are a fun… Continue Reading Are you a coder? Share your skills with Code Club volunteering

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