GVI Virtual Open Day: international volunteering, gap year, and internships

GVI (international volunteering, gap year, and internships provider) is hosting a virtual Open Day on Saturday 22 April, and all are welcome. Continue Reading GVI Virtual Open Day: international volunteering, gap year, and internships


Get into teaching drop-in 28 March 2023

Have you considered teaching as a career?
Come to meet advisers from the Dept of Education and ask all your questions about getting into teaching. Continue Reading Get into teaching drop-in 28 March 2023

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Want to find out more about digital career opportunities in West Sussex?

Jobseekers, career shifters and anyone with an interest in digital skills will get the chance to meet with employers at free, interactive roadshows this spring, run by Digital Futures West Sussex. Continue Reading Want to find out more about digital career opportunities in West Sussex?

beepurple webinar on financial planning basics

Simple pricing and money hacks for freelancers and founders With Krystle McGilvery, award winning financial expert @uobbeepurple webinar 5.30-7.30 22 March 2023 Krystle McGilvery,  finance and behaviour change expert, shows you how to price your work, manage your cashflow and breathe! It can be a very overwhelming time when starting up your own business as… Continue Reading beepurple webinar on financial planning basics

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National Careers Week: A look at help getting through psychometric tests?

We have partnered with online platform Graduates First to give our students and graduates free access to their wide range of online tests. This includes tests such as verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, personality tests and situational judgement tests. These are all created to be as close as possible to the real thing, so you know what to expect. Continue Reading National Careers Week: A look at help getting through psychometric tests?

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National Careers Week: A look at digital upskilling – what is it and why you should be doing it

Are you a Creative and competent user of digital technologies? (one of our University of Brighton Graduate Attributes)

We hope so, because digital skills are becoming a key part of everyone’s employability. Continue Reading National Careers Week: A look at digital upskilling – what is it and why you should be doing it

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National Careers Week: A look at the University of Brighton Graduate Attributes

To make a successful application for a job opportunity or postgraduate study course you will need to be able to reflect on what you can bring to an employer or the university you are applying to.

To help you do this we have developed a set of University of Brighton Graduate Attributes which are skills and qualities that you will develop whilst you’re at university (both on your course and in other parts of your university life) that reflect what employers are looking for in graduates. Continue Reading National Careers Week: A look at the University of Brighton Graduate Attributes

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Pharmacy students: Kickstart your career and meet pre-reg employers at Pharmacy Fair 2023

Pharmacy students from all years should come along to the Pharmacy Careers Fair. Employers at this event have a range of pre-registration pharmacy placements and other pharmacy-related jobs, including part-time and summer work. Continue Reading Pharmacy students: Kickstart your career and meet pre-reg employers at Pharmacy Fair 2023

Be inspired to find your purpose and passion in this live beepurple event open to all

Neurodiverse Founders: dynamic startup stories Wednesday, 1 March, from 5:30pm until 7:30pm, in-person, City Campus. Do you have millions of ideas but get overwhelmed trying to do too much? Do you have a passion that could lead to a great freelance business, social enterprise or startup but feel frozen and hesitant to unlock your brilliance?… Continue Reading Be inspired to find your purpose and passion in this live beepurple event open to all

Local Placements Fair – Meet the companies

Join us on Thursday 23 February from 15.30 to 17.30 in Elm House Atrium for our Local Placements Fair.  Continue Reading Local Placements Fair – Meet the companies

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Brighton Festival 2023 is holding a Volunteer Recruitment Evening on Monday 27 February. Continue Reading BE PART OF BRIGHTON FESTIVAL 2023

Are you ready to learn how to build your self-belief and promote you or your business more confidently to your network, market and customers?

Are you ready to learn how to build your self-belief and promote yourself or your business more confidently to your network, market, and customers?  Join Michelle Okwudiafor, career and confidence coach and founder of @career_invest  and @uobbeepurple, the startup team, online on Wed 22 Feb 5.30-7.30 to learn practical tips to help you and/or your business become visible and gain confidence you deserve. Continue Reading Are you ready to learn how to build your self-belief and promote you or your business more confidently to your network, market and customers?

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