School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Emma Thurlow, Business and Sales Manager at the Brighton Centre

Guest lecture on business tourism and events in Brighton

Business and Sales Manager at the Brighton Centre, Emma Thurlow, visited Elm House to speak to our postgraduate tourism and events students. She spoke to master’s students on our Globalisation, Society and Culture module about the value of business tourism and events to Brighton’s economy. The Brighton Centre is the oldest purpose-built convention centre in…

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Debbie Wright

Bright ideas can net cash rewards

A new baby changing bag, a global penfriend scheme and turning plastic waste into new consumer products are just some of the ideas vying for cash prizes. The competition, managed by the University of Brighton’s Enterprise team, within the Careers Service, aims to reward innovation and turn good ideas into reality. The first three winners…

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