School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Guest lecture: Analysing Eurovision as a destination marketing campaign

Our students have been looking at the Eurovision Song Contest as a case study to evaluate how events and festivals are used for destination marketing purposes. Guest lecturer – Dr Catherine Baker from the University of Hull, spoke to our students about the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool earlier this year. Catherine leads on the…

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Elm House, home to the School of Business and Law

Guest lecture: How to plan a PR campaign

A few weeks ago our students were lucky enough to attend a guest lecture on planning a PR campaign. Flo Powell, joint Managing Director at award-winning B2B PR agency Midnight Communications, was kind enough to speak to our business entrepreneurship students about how to plan and execute a PR campaign. Flo’s key tip for our…

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Head of school joins national council for business schools

We’re delighted to announce that Professor Toni Hilton, our head of school, has been elected to serve on the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ (Chartered ABS) Council. Chartered ABS acts as the voice of the UK’s business and management education sector by supporting “members to maintain world-class standards of teaching and research, and help shape…

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