School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

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Conference examines working life

We are all set to host the ninth annual Art of Management Organisation conference, focusing on the word ‘performance’ as a catalyst to explore and understand the complexity of working life. Artists, performers, researchers, consultants, educators and more – 170 delegates from around the world in total – will contribute to the four-day event, which…

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Graduation live feed

Congratulations to all our graduates today – we’re both proud and sad to see you go at the same time! We know you will all go on to great things, whichever path you choose – stay in touch and share your stories with us! If you want to watch our graduation ceremony live, which takes place…

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Pictured of Dr Clifford Conway, Ana Christie Chief Executive, Sussex Chamber of Commerce and Lev Denker Trade Advisor for Dept of International Trade

Lecturer encourages Sussex business exports

Dr Clifford Conway on behalf of University of Brighton’s Business School attended the Sussex International Trade Forum (SITF) with some of his fellow committee members Ana Christie Chief Executive, Sussex Chamber of Commerce and Lev Denker, Trade Advisor for Dept of International Trade. The role of the SITF committee is to plan and run events…

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A student perspective: MSc Management International Study Visit

“I completed my previous studies in Thailand, so when I came to Brighton University for the MSc Management course, I was excited by the opportunity to join the one-week international study visit to France.  I must say I had a really great time visiting Strasbourg with my supportive professors and classmates. “I discovered that Strasbourg…

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How to shop smarter this Christmas – tips from our innovation expert

Shutterstock Paul Levy, University of Brighton Record smartphone sales on Black Friday suggest this Christmas is set to be another festival of innovative gadgets for consumers worldwide. Christmas stockings will be overflowing with phones, tablets, laptops, VR headsets, digital assistants, robots, drones and a lot more. But innovation doesn’t just have to be in the…

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David Foster, Module leader

David Foster, fascinated by people, organisations and messy challenges

Our lecturer we’re profiling this week is David Foster. David is the module leader for two of our modules; Creativity in Enterprise and International Strategy. As well as developing our students’ knowledge of academic theory, David uses his own business to bring commercial experience to his teaching – bridging the world of academia with practical application….

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Could computer vaccines start a new approach to preventing cyber-attacks?

  Shutterstock By Paul Levy, University of Brighton There were 638m attempted ransomware cyber-attacks in 2016, according to one report. And with several high-profile attacks already committed this year, the numbers for 2017 may be even higher. Perhaps it’s time then for a new approach to tackling cyber-attacks, one that focuses not on defending against…

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How to improve the buying experience for your customers?

  A bad buying experience can cost your organisation in a big way! We’ve all had the experience of trying to buy a product but abandoning the purchase out of frustration! I don’t have a figure for the UK, but in the US, poor customer experiences result in an estimated $80 billion loss by US…

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