School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Law students and lecturer Gillian Keenan

Congratulations to our winning law student negotiators

Our Brighton Law School students took part in the negotiations competition final on Tuesday 10 January.

Four teams of law students competed against each other and our judges were solicitors Jay Barnett and Lydia Goodward from DMH Stallard.

Congratulations to our winner – Tom McCanlis, and our runners up – Laura Verity and Irina Do Carmo.

Law students and lecturer Gillian Keenan

Negotiation winners with judges from DMH Stallard, and competition organiser Gillian Keenan from Brighton Law School.

Our winner and runners up have each been awarded a week’s work experience at DMH Stallard that could contribute towards their qualifying work experience. They’ve also won a place in the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution’s (CEDR) national student negotiation competition, taking place this March.

Law student finalists and judges

Negotiation finalists – Tom McCanlis, Laura Verity, Gabby Wilsker, Jayden Yeboah, Daniela Da Silva Jentea and Melissa Schweizer –  with judges – Jay Barnett, Lydia Goodman.

The annual CEDR negotiation competition is intended to find the best pair of student negotiators from England and Wales to represent their countries at the International Negotiation Competition Final this summer in Brazil.

This event starts each academic year with a series of workshops in the evening for the negotiations competition, then heats that decide who will go through to the final.

The students are given detailed case studies that can be in different areas of law. Negotiation skills are crucial to future lawyers, as many disputes do not go to court but instead are settled by way of a negotiated agreement. They’re also valuable skills for a professional career.

Good luck to our teams in March!

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BrazilBrighton Law SchoolCEDR negotiation competitionCentre for Effective Dispute Resolution's (CEDR) national student negotiation competitionDMH StallardInternational negotiation competition finallawnegotiationnegotiation competitionnegotiatorsstudent negotiators

Zoe Cassell • January 18, 2023

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