School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Resus Rangers team and Rachael Carden at the Sussex Business Awards

Resus Rangers wins sponsored Start-up of the Year award at Sussex Business Awards 2022

The School of Business and Law sponsored the Start-up of the Year award at the Sussex Business Awards on 1 December. Resus Rangers was announced as the winner of this category at a glitzy ceremony in the Grand Hotel, hosted by Natasha Kaplinsky.

Supporting the Sussex Business Awards aligns with our vision to shape and support responsible enterprise, and ensure that business is a force for good.

Resus Rangers deliver first-aid lessons in primary schools across the region. They also focus on providing educational resources for teaching basic first-aid to children.

Rachael Carden, our Associate Dean for Education and Student Experience, presented the award to Resus Rangers.

University of Brighton staff at the Sussex Business Awards 2022

The awards ceremony was attended by more than 200 business people from across the region. To leverage this networking opportunity our table hosted Rosemary French OBE and colleagues from the university’s key business partnership initiatives; Dr Adam Jones and Dr Nadia Lonsdale from Help to Grow: Management, Lorraine Bell from our RISE (Research, Innovation in Sussex Excellence) project, Liz Johnson from Knowledge Transfer Partnership, Clare Dawson from our employability team, plus Dr Andrew Grantham.

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awards ceremonyBrighton businessbrightonbizBusinessbusiness enterpriseGrand HotelNetworkingSchool of Business and LawStart-upStart-up of the Year awardsussex businessSussex Business AwardsSussex Business Awards 2022

Zoe Cassell • December 2, 2022

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