School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Chantal Frindall smiling

Welcome to the new faces of Brighton Business School 

We have two new members of teaching staff who have joined the school in December we welcome them to the school and hopefully will meet them in person as soon as is possible.

Chantal Frindall smilingChantal Frindall joined our Law School in December 2020 as a Lecturer in Law.  Previously, Chantal worked as Law tutor in Land, Equity, EU and Criminal Law.

Chantal is also in the final stages of her PhD.  Her research focuses on the concept of human dignity and how it ought to be employed in refugee law. The overarching aim is to show how a dignity-based analysis has the capacity to give refugee law a greater and more just substance. The research undertakes this task through looking at three core areas.  These are the philosophy of dignity, discrimination law and refugee law. The refugee limb concentrates upon women who have fled gender harms and relied upon the ‘particular social group category’ within the 1951 Refugee Convention.

Chantal will be teaching Land Law, Human Rights and Public Law.

Jacob smilingJacob J Meagher joined Brighton Business School as a Lecturer in Law in December 2020. Jacob has lectured at University College London, King’s College London, Bournemouth, The Institute of Law, and the LSE. He researches Equity, specifically constructive trusts, and also has research interests across banking and finance and equality and discrimination law.

Jacob is a practicing barrister, called in England & Wales, Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, and as a legal principal in Australia. Prior to academia he was a judge’s clerk and legal and policy advisor at the New Zealand Law Commission and practiced in the Chanel Islands.

About to complete his PhD, Jacob is also qualified as a TEP, FGP, is dual chartered in banking, and was elected FRSA for his work on equality diversity and inclusion.

We’re also please to announce that Jacob will also be taking up an interim role as our Inclusive Practice Lead, which will include leading on student Learning Support Plans and additional support, decolonising and diversifying our curriculum and the roll out of our new Student Inclusive Practice Partners Scheme.

Jacky smileJacky Langford joined BBS in January 2021 as the School Operations Manager.  Prior to that she worked as the School Manager in the School of Sport and Service Management.

Jacky has an extensive background in Higher Education administration at the University of Brighton, having worked previously as a Research Administrator, Assistant Registrar (Records and Fees) in Academic Services and a Faculty Officer in Health.

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Brighton Law School

Clare Prust • January 14, 2021

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