School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Reconnect the Winners!

Enterprising students pitch business ideas at ethical showcase

Reconnect the Winners!

A tough decision but well deserved, the winners Reconnect – a great project to reintegrate the homeless back into society and work.

We challenged first-year business students to come up with ideas for new products/services with an ethical or sustainability element.  Our business students embraced the opportunity and endeavoured to pioneer new business ideas that would make a difference to society and the environment.

In teams, students developed their ideas as part of an extended project, conducting market analysis, market research, as well as planning for product development, digital marketing, HR/OB and financial needs.

A year of intensive work culminated in the teams pitching their business plans. Think ‘Dragon’s Den’, quite like that.  Then, the very best teams were selected for our ethical showcase event on 30 April 2019. Teams had just ten minutes to communicate their ethical business idea to a panel of local entrepreneurs, business people and academics.

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On the panel, Julie Fowlie, Deputy Head of the Business School, was joined by John Harris, Brighton Entrepreneur, and Natalie Dean, Brighton Business School graduate and SAP Applications Consultant at Cap Gemini in Worthing, and business lecturers, Andrea Benn and Andrew Grantham.  Big thanks to everyone on our ethical showcase panel for their time and commitment to business education.

Congratulations to all the teams presenting at the showcase and especially to ‘Reconnect’, the overall winners, with their innovative and ethical business idea for the homeless.

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Lisa Wood • May 10, 2019

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  1. Julie May 20, 2019 - 12:18 pm Reply

    Well done to all the teams?

  2. Jim Simpson June 28, 2019 - 10:40 am Reply

    Brilliant event and I’m obviously really chuffed that one of my teams won :). Well done

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