School of Business and Law

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Alessio Messaggi, Paid Search Specialist at Jellyfish

A visit from the world’s biggest boutique digital marketing agency

In the beginning, there were websites…

And in 2019 it is estimated that those websites will account for over 63.6% of all global media ad spend, a sum of nearly $327.28bn.  The revolution that was the World Wide Web dominates societal, economic, and political change around the globe and is the fastest growing global economy.

We were, therefore, delighted to welcome Alessio Messaggi, Paid Search Specialist at Jellyfish – the world’s biggest boutique digital marketing agency, to talk to us about the science behind Google, the scale of the digital ecosystem and the different ways he spends his clients’ paid media budget.

Alessio Messaggi, Paid Search Specialist at Jellyfish

Alessio delivers paid media strategies for his clients using a combination of platforms, during his talk he outlined the key tactics he uses to build his campaigns including: programmatic and display ads, paid search, YouTube and paid social channels. The digital landscape is  becoming ever more integrated and consumers are being targeted on one platform depending on their interaction with another making the possible depth of targeting greater than ever before.

Digital Marketing EcosystemAlessio also emphasised the need to test and learn from creative at every touchpoint and what tactics can be deployed to optimise activity to maximise budget and deliver intelligent campaigns.

Jellyfish are proud to be Google beta test partners and are often amongst the first agencies in the UK to roll out new features and tests meaning their clients get the chance to get ahead of their competitors.

With a rapt audience of next generation digital marketers scribbling away, Alessio also shared thoughts on what the future might be for an industry that’s rapidly evolving…but I’m afraid we’re not allowed to share!

Jellyfish are an award winning global agency with offices across 4 continents. They run award-winning digital marketing campaigns for some of the world’s brands including: uber; Carlsberg; NFL and Toyota.

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Lisa Wood • March 28, 2019

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