School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

New book published on Complex Equality and the Court of Justice of the European Union

This week, our very own Richard Lang, senior lecturer in EU law has had his new book launched.

Dr Richard Lang Senior Lecturer in EU law

Dr Richard Lang Senior Lecturer in EU law

The Court of Justice of the European Union has long drawn criticism for its almost total reliance on Aristotle’s doctrine that likes should be treated like, and unlikes unlike.  In this book, Richard Lang proposes that the EU’s judges complement the Aristotelian test with a new one based on Michael Walzer’s theory of Complex Equality, and illustrates how analysing allegedly discriminatory acts, not in terms of comparisons of the actors involved, but rather in terms of distributions and meanings of goods, would enable them to reach decisions with new dexterity and to resolve conflicts without sacrificing diversity.

The book will be of great interest to those studying, teaching or practising European law, anti-discrimination law and human rights law, and those studying or teaching jurisprudence, philosophy, political science, social science, postmodernism, and disciplines concerned with minorities.

Available as an e-book or hardback from

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anti-discrimination law and human rightsAristotle’s doctrineBrighton Business SchoolComplex EqualityDr Richard LangEuropean lawThe Court of Justice of the European UnionUniversity of brighton

Nikki Marshall • August 3, 2018

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