School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Stephanie Barkway on being a successful manager and putting it into practice

Stephanie Barkway graduated from Brighton Business School in 2014 with a degree in Business Management and is now working for an Asset Management company in London as a Development and Marketing Manager.Stephanie Barkway

“There are so many reasons why I am proud to be a University of Brighton Business School student but it is mainly because studying in Brighton was the best four years of my life so far. The incredible knowledge, encouragement and support from the Business School team enabled me to move, straight into a managerial role of a successful investment manager, immediately after graduating.”

“What made the degree so brilliant was the opportunity to complete a 12-month industrial placement. Not only do you obtain a solid understanding of what it takes to be a successful manager, you then also get to put this into practice.”

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Joshua Callarman • February 1, 2017

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