School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Top 5 tips for graduate scheme selection success

Laura Cowling, graduate in Business Management with Marketing, returned to Brighton Business School to share with current students what life is like on Hewlett Packard’s graduate scheme.

Laura Cowling returns to the Business School to talk to students about placement opportunities

After completing a year’s work placement at Hewlett Packard (HP) as part of her degree. After graduating with a first in 2015, Laura joined their Hewlett Packard Enterprise graduate scheme.

To join HP’s scheme, candidates have to go through a selection process, as with many other organisations. Laura shared her top tips for success for graduate scheme selection processes:

  1. Do not give up if you get some rejections
  2. Volunteer or complete a summer internship to improve your CV
  3. Research the organisation
  4. Be yourself and if attending an assessment centre aim to be a good facilitator, encouraging quieter participants to contribute
  5. Make sure your application reflects what you have to offer an organisation
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Clare Prust • January 13, 2017

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