School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Sharing research best practice

This year’s annual Staff and Research Student Conference was held on 22 September 2016 and saw 18 different presentations covering Law, Business and Marketing. With over 70 members of staff and research students in attendance, ranging from early stage PhD students to senior professors and academics, there was a wealth of topics and experience shared.jeanette-ashton

The aim of the conference was to allow students and staff to share their on-going and completed research projects with colleagues. This allowed for people to gauge opinion on their subject area or research methods, or gain valuable feedback and insight, helping them to avoid pitfalls already experienced by others.

Throughout the day presentations outlined research projects covering various topics such as, Performance Management, Consumer Buying Behaviour, Organisational Change and the effects of Immigration and repatriation on the labour

Professor Aidan Berry, Director of the Business School said, “Research is at the very core to the Business School and informs our teaching and our students learning at all levels. It is the foundation for our relationship with local and global communities.”

“The annual research conference helps build upon our success in this field, being ranked in the top five in the UK in terms of research impact for Business and Management (REF 2014). The findings of our students and staff will ensure our graduates are equipped with the latest industry knowledge.”

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Joshua Callarman • September 30, 2016

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