School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.


Law with Business students finish third in the world at Client Interviewing

BBS-logo-webTwo University of Brighton Students, Chloe Chatton and Fionnuala Richardson, successfully made it to the finals of the International Client Consultation Competition (ICCC) in Ontario, Canada. They were competing against Scotland and New Zealand for first place, with New Zealand just pipping them to the post.

Jeanette Ashton, Senior Lecturer in Law at Brighton Business School, was the pair’s coach: “After a gruelling but fun four days I am delighted to let you know that Fi and Chloe made it to the final round against New Zealand and Scotland, finishing as second runners up with New Zealand coming in first place. Feedback from the judges was incredible and they were a credit to Brighton Business School throughout”.

The pair had already competed against other Universities at the National Law Society Client Interviewing Competition in Sheffield and were awarded the opportunity to represent England and Wales at the International Finals.

“It was a great pleasure to coach Fi and Chloe. They have worked so hard and that really paid off as they competed against winning teams from all around the world. We were delighted to make it to the international final and to make it through to the final round was incredible, particularly given that many of the competitors were post-graduate law students and several had finished their studies and were working in practice. What a fantastic finish to their law degrees!” continued Jeanette.

Chloe Chatton expressed her delight and appreciation saying, “It was amazing to be able to represent England and Wales in the international competition. We’re so happy that we made it to the final round of the competition! It was a brilliant week and so lovely to meet competitors from around the world.”

law comp finalFor more information follow the ICCC on Facebook or go their website

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Joshua Callarman • May 12, 2016

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  1. evin August 30, 2017 - 1:55 pm Reply

    1st comment 😀

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