School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

OSTC opens its doors to Finance and Investment BSc students

Finance and Investment BSc students have been enjoying a taste of what it is like to work on a fast-paced trading floor. The students were taking part in an open week held in the Brighton office of the financial trading company OSTC.

The event was designed to showcase derivatives trading as a career option, while allowing students the chance to rub shoulders with some of the best traders in the South East. The students were also given the opportunity to experience first-hand an interview with the company, as they held 30 minute taster interviews for those who felt up for the task.

Sam Baker, Managing Director of the OSTC Brighton office, said: “OSTC prides itself on being a great place to work, and this event added to the relaxed atmosphere the company already boasts. Our first investment is in people: the best and brightest minds in our industry, mentored, monitored and empowered to perform. Getting a job with OSTC is the beginning of a long and hopefully, rewarding journey. We recruit for long-term career development, not short-term gain.”

The students also took part in a competition to see how they might perform as traders. A number of trading consoles were set up and the students had 30 minutes to make as much money as possible on a virtual trading platform. The winner and runner up were rewarded with £75 and £25 of Amazon vouchers respectively.

See website for more details about our undergraduate and postgraduate Finance and Investment courses.

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Jennie Blows • May 7, 2014

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