Research and enterprise from the University of Brighton

Category Creative methodologies

Creative methodologies is a rapidly developing area, which cuts across disciplinary boundaries and sectors, with the potential to radically alter how we think about research and practice. We use creative tools, techniques and knowledge to understand more about the worlds in which we live, explore problems, and develop solutions related to health and wellbeing. Our methods are arts-based, transformative, social-justice based, technologically-driven, and/or incorporate innovative mixed-methods, with outputs including poetry, visual art, plays, dance, film and web-based tools. We also work with external partners, adopting a transdisciplinary, collaborative and community-focused approach to research and enterprise.

Creative Research Methods Symposium with Jane Willis

The Creative Research Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for another vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Tuesday 5th March 2024 13:00-14:30 GMT on Microsoft Teams. This session features creative evaluation specialist and creative health… Continue Reading →

Call for Papers | Exploring Human-Animal & Multi-Species Relations: Risk Taking in Research Methods, 6-7 June 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: 19 February 2024  // 6 March 2024 6-7 June 2024 University of Brighton Online & in-person event We are excited to announce a two-day symposium aimed at bringing together researchers venturing to make sense of human-animal… Continue Reading →

Creative Research Methods Symposium with David Heineman and Tom Roberts

The Creative Research Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for another vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Tuesday 16th January 2024 13:00-14:30 GMT on Microsoft Teams. This session features: David Heineman, Commonwealth University Bloomsburg –… Continue Reading →

Event | Celebrating Queer and Creative Methods – 31 January 2024

Centre for Arts and Wellbeing and the Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender, in partnership with The Ledward Centre (Brighton), are hosting an event to share and celebrate Queer Creative research methods The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing and the… Continue Reading →

Creative Research Methods Symposium with Sophie Anne Edwards, Christina Jane and Steve Downey

The Creative Research Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for another vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Monday 4th December 13:00-14:30 GMT on Microsoft Teams. This session features: Steve Downey and Christina Jane, independent artists… Continue Reading →

Creative Research Methods Symposium with Jon Mason

The Creative Research Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for another vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Tue 6th June 14:30-15:15 BST on Microsoft Teams. This session features: Jon Mason, University of Brighton – ‘Putting… Continue Reading →

Creative Research Methods Symposium with James Marshall and Thomas Delahunt

The Creative Research Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for another vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Tue 18th April 14:00-15:30 BST on Microsoft Teams. This session features: James Marshall, University of Brighton – ‘Generational… Continue Reading →

Creative Methods Symposium with Manjot Kaur Dhaliwal and Gabriel Hoosain Khan

The PGR Creative Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for another vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Tue 7th March 14:00-15:30 on Microsoft Teams. This session features: Manjot Kaur Dhaliwal, University of Sussex – ‘Poetry… Continue Reading →

Sandpit on The Role of Everyday Creativity in Creative Research Methods

Save the date! The Role of Everyday Creativity in Creative Research Methods: Sandpit for the AHRC Everyday Creativity Research Network   Thursday 20th April 10:30-14:30 BST University of Brighton’s Falmer Campus (UK) and online Register for free attendance at:   Come… Continue Reading →

Creative Methods Symposium with Mike Phillips and Gemma Cook

    The PGR Creative Methods Group would like to invite you to join us for another vibrant symposium on creative research methods on Mon 16th January 14:00-15:30 on Microsoft Teams (use this code to join: 6r81bq6). This session features:… Continue Reading →

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