January 27

Successful Promotional Campaigns on YouTube

Producing a successful promotional campaign through the platform of YouTube has become increasing popular over the last 10 years whilst YouTube as grown as a platform in itself, with YouTube themselves reporting that:

YouTube has over a billion users–almost a third of all people on the Internet–and every day, people watch hundreds of millions of hours of YouTube videos and generate billions of views. (YouTube 2015)

Leaving this platform of YouTube open for brands to generate free exposure if they create the perfect “Viral” campaign.

So how does a video campaign become viral?

A viral campaign is one that is considered to be viewed a large number of times and shared around the Internet through multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and YouTube. A campaign can become viral over night and if a brand creates the perfect viral campaign it can ultimately create large brand exposure and generate a traffic towards their website or help them achieve their desired message from the campaign.

(Henke 2012) wrote that a viral video is similar to word of mouth describing “Viral” as an electronic word of mouth process. With the author also suggesting brands will use multiple tactics in an attempt to go viral, these could include shock tactics which is when a viewer becomes shocked by something they’ve seen, also humorous videos can go viral such as pranks and videos that connect with the viewers emotions can also be successful. Henke writes that these types of videos will force viewers to share with their peers on social media in an aim to allow their peers to experience the emotions as them.

Examples of Viral Campaigns  

John Lewis Christmas Adverts

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Views: 23 Million within 2 months.

23,000 Social Media mentions 2 hours after release – New Record. (Williams 2015) 

John Lewis started producing its first Christmas advert in 2007 however the first campaign did not go viral until 2011 with a young boy who could not wait until Christmas. Since this point John Lewis have been extremely clever with the promotional campaigns with customers looking forward to the Christmas advert year in year out. This has been extremely successful for the business as the videos generate a buzz around the business at the most important time of the year – Christmas. Christmas is a time for giving and John Lewis know their price point is not the lowest meaning at Christmas customers will be prepared to spend that little bit extra to purchase the perfect gift.

LG Elevator Prank

October 2012 – over 24 Million views

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LG created an evaluator prank where the floor looks as if it falls in on people who use the lift giving them a funny scare. According to YouTube 2015 pranks tend to be received well on YouTube and connect with a wide audience. Producing this video was very clever by LG as the floor was multiple LG TV’s which would show customers the picture was so clear that people think the floor falling away was real. The high number of views generated strong exposure for LG and LG have since created other prank videos in an attempt to achieve similar success. 

Other YouTube collaboration campaigns:

Not all promotional campaigns on YouTube need to go viral in order to generate a successful outcome, brands can use YouTube to collaborate with existing YouTubers who already have ready-made audiences to generate their desired exposure.

Examples of this method:

Krave cereal – Krave cereal has been working with multiple different YouTube content creators challenging them to different tasks, which are relevant to the style of their channel. Krave were promoting their summer collaboration with Alton Towers along with these challenges. By choosing multiple content creators instead of just one person Krave were covering a large proportion of their target market and made good use of repetitive advertising.

Vloggers were chosen based on their popularity amongst Krave’s target demographic, namely 15- to 19-year-olds. (Nias 2013)

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Example of one of the video produced:

543,000 Views on a channel with just under 900,000 subscribers.

Simple Skincare

Simple skincare teamed up with YouTube content creator Zoella to run their campaign called skin social. During the campaign Zoella and Simple produced multiple different videos for each of their channels promoting their campaign called Skin Social, Zoella has the perfect audience for the campaign with just under 10 million subscribers with the average viewer being a teenage girl (Marr 2014).

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Most popular video produced: Over 2 million Views on Youtube.com/Zoella.

In conclusion there are multiple different ways of using YouTube for advertising and it is a fairly new market meaning brands are still discovering the best way to use the platform that is available suggesting we can only expect more and more brands looking to use YouTube in the future.

All Promotional Campaigns mentioned above can be viewed below:

John lewis Christmas Advert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuz2ILq4UeA

LG Elevator Prank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeXMxuNNlE8

Krave Challenge Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf1tEwD6mPw

Zoella – Simple Skincare collaboration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0in_9j25uCI


Crimmsons, L . (2014). The top viral marketing campaigns of all time. Available: https://www.branded3.com/blog/the-top-10-viral-marketing-campaigns-of-all-time/. Last accessed 27th Jan 2016.

Henke, L. (2012). Viral marketing and music videos: when shock tactics backfire. Journal of behavioral studies in business. 5 (1), 1.

Marr, W. (2014). Zoella, Tanya Burr and the UK’s YouTube superstars. Available: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/11031778/Zoella-Tanya-Burr-and-the-UKs-YouTube-superstars.html. Last accessed 27th Jan 2016.

Nias, S. (2013). Kellogg’s turns to YouTube to promote summer Krave campaign. Available: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1185684/kelloggs-turns-youtube-promote-summer-krave-campaign. Last accessed 27th Jan 2016.

Williams, A. (2015). Move over Monty! John Lewis’s Man on the Moon Christmas ad breaks records with 23,000 online mentions in just TWO HOURS Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3306855/Move-Monty-Jo. Available: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3306855/Move-Monty-John-Lewis-s-Man-Moon-Christmas-ad-breaks-records-23-000-online-mentions-just-TWO-HOURS.html. Last accessed 27th Jan 2016.

YouTube. (2016). Statistics. Available: https://www.youtube.com/yt/press/en-GB/statistics.html. Last accessed 27th Jan 2016.

January 25

How Does YouTube Work As A Successful Marketing Tool.

A new form of celebrity has been forming over the last few years through an online portal know as YouTube, YouTube is a video upload site that allows anyone from around the world (Apart from countries where YouTube is banned (Amini 2014)) to upload anything like (Within Guidelines) to the site which then can be viewed by everyone who can access the site.

Over the last few years YouTube stars have started to see success in different markets apart from YouTube with one of the biggest YouTubers called Zoella aka Zoe Sugg producing a number one best selling book shattering records by selling over 78,000 copies of her debut novel: Girl Online within the first week (Singh 2014) with many other YouTubers such as Alfie Deyes and Joe Sugg achieving similar success with their books. This shows the sheer power of these new forms of celebrities showing that their endorsement of a product can lead to huge success.

So How Does This Work For A Brand:

Below is a very simple model created by YouTube that shows how advertisers can work with content creators and their viewers, showing that advertisers can get in contact with YouTube or the creators and publish a campaign or product through a video and then it can be viewed by the content creators ready made audience which will then send traffic to the advertiser.

Benefits of Working with a YouTube content creator:

There are multiple different benefits of working with a YouTube creator and these can be seen below.

 Ready-made audience – when choosing a content creator to promote your brand, you can look at the content creators current audience and decide whether that audience would be suitable for your brand. For example Zoella has almost 10 million subscribers meaning working with her allows a brand to have a potential of 10 million new customers around the world.

For Example Zoella has almost 10 million subscribers and averages 20 million views a month (Social Blade 2016) meaning that working with Zoella gives you that ready made audience and potential customers.

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Brand can grow alongside YouTube channel – The majority of strong YouTube channels consistently grow on a month-to-month basis for example according to (VidstatsX 2016) Ksi one of the leading YouTubers in the UK gained over 300,000 subscribers in the last 90 days as off today the 25th of January 2016 meaning that working with a star like Ksi suggests that your brand could gain exposure to 300,000 potential new customers in a 90 day period whilst working with KSI.

For Example KSI works with Rulem Sport and the main presenter of the channel is KSI himself the channel gains views and subscribers along with the growth on KSI.



YouTube is part of Google – According to wearegrow.com more and more YouTube videos are appearing in Google searches therefore advertising through YouTube should increase the chance of a brand being found on a Google search.

A quick search term on Google “How to do press ups” and instantly the third search result shows a YouTube video on how to do press ups, this shows that Google are integrating videos into search results.


Google Search: 27th January 2016 – 21:00

(Learmonth 2014) wrote that YouTube is the “unknown” and that YouTube themselves believe that the platform itself can grow and grow, with the author suggesting that YoutTube want to look back to traditional methods to promote YouTube videos such as TV ads and billboards. Suggesting that with the power large audiences and great content creators YouTube can become even bigger in the future. Learmonth wrote that there are large audiences on YouTube but low awareness suggesting that the viewing figures are there however some advertisers are unaware of the potential the site can deliver. Therefore the Learmonth suggests YouTube should look at possible ways to bridge this gap in the future.


Amini, T. (2014). 10 Countries That Have Blocked YouTube (And Why). Available: http://kotaku.com/10-countries-that-have-blocked-youtube-and-why-1547347768. Last accessed 25th Jan 2016.

Anon. (2015). 8 Massive Benefits of Using YouTube For Business. Available: http://www.wearegrow.com/8-massive-benefits-of-using-youtube-for-business/. Last accessed 25th Jan 2016.

Anon. (2015). .. Available: http://socialblade.com/youtube/user/zoella280390. Last accessed 27th Jan 2016.

Creator Academy. (2016). How Ads Work On YouTube. Available: https://creatoracademy.withgoogle.com/page/lesson/ad-types?hl=en-GB#yt-creators-strategies-1. Last accessed 25th Jan 2016.

Learmonth, M. (2014). YOUTUBE BEGINS A NEW ERA. Advertising age. 85 (8), 16.

Singh, A. (2014). Zoella breaks record for first-week book sales. Available: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11268540/Zoella-breaks-record-for-first-week-book-sales.html. Last accessed 25th Jan 2016.

Vid Stats. (2016). KSIolajidebt. Available: http://vidstatsx.com/ksiolajidebt/youtube-channel. Last accessed 25th Jan 2016.

October 22

Argos Case Study

Argos Digital Success

Drawing on the case study by Brand Watch, Argos is the UK’s largest digital retailer with over 43,000 products avaliable online at Argos.co.uk and through their stores. Receiving an outstanding 738 million website hits a year through Argos.co.uk. Serving 123 millions customers through this portal. Argos are clearly doing things correctly on the digital front, therefore the challenge for Argos is how can they inprove on their success in order to stay at the very top of the digital market?

Digital Future of the brand

Argos are now looking to open 53 Digital store to add to their 758 current stores in the UK, these stores will focus on transforming the in store experience. Argos understand this is a risk and will want to closely monitor any comments and information relating to these store. Therefore Argos will turn its attention to using Brandwatch to help them monitor how these stores are doing.

Brand Watch Monitoring

BrandWatch is an online platform that monitors the presence of a brand on social media and creates reports and anaysis to feed back to brands on how they are performing, this is perfect way to monitor the Argos digital stores as customers that will be using them will clearly be very tech savy and digital orenitiated meaning if they have any issues they are more likely to vent on social media then the tradistional methods like writing a letter of complaint. Brand Watch has various different tools which can be can by the brand to monitor the feedback, Brand Watch can deliver information on gender, locations and other key specifics.

Drawing on the points discovered above, are Argos right in taking this risk and will it work in order for the business to move forward in the digital world. comparing this to market competitors many other store like B&Q are looking to increase the speed of delivery by offering customers the opportunity to order something online then having the opportunity to collect the item from a store only 2 hours after placing the order online. This is game changing as the business believes it adds added purpose to the stores with customers coming in to pick up their products meaning they may look around to make additonal purchases whilst there. This move means if you’re in the middle of home DIY jobs and run out of certain colour or something you still can complete the job on the same day without having to wait a lengthy time for deliveries.