Liam Murphy and his father co-founders of Stix Mindfulness Remotes

Brighton graduate celebrates as mindfulness product for kids hits the shelves

“It’s crazy to think that a small sketch during my degree has turned into a product that is now on the market. It’s an inventor’s dream!”

That is the view of University of Brighton graduate and entrepreneur Liam Murphy, who celebrates a major milestone this week as his mindfulness product for kids goes on sale.

Liam has launched his product, The Stix Mindfulness Remotes, to market on 2 February 2023 with the aim of improving children’s mental wellbeing through fun, interactive mindfulness activities. Read More

Group shot of people infront of a graffiti wall

Imani is Designer for Channel 4’s Museum of Us

Imani Qamar from BA Interior Architecture has hit the big time as one of the design team in a new prime time Channel 4 programme “The Museum of Us’ that starts on Monday 17th October.

The programme presented by Sir Tony Robinson is part detective story, part design challenge.  Each week local people from a single street are challenged to investigate and curate a pop up museum showing the history of their ‘ordinary’ residential road. Read More

Duncan Baker Brown inside the Brighton Waste House

University of Brighton helps to shape city’s vision of the future

Brighton & Hove Council have published a Route Map outlining a Circular Economy strategy to 2035 – drawing on key input from the University of Brighton.

Brighton architecture lecturer Duncan Baker-Brown has been a global pioneer in innovative ways to cut the huge amount of waste and carbon emissions that afflict current building construction. At present, this contributes a massive 40% of overall global CO2 emissions and at least a third of the world’s waste. Read More

Graduates 2022: Ross Campbell: Product Design

“I chose product design as I’ve always had an interest in helping others as well as physical making. The way product design focused on using those skills to change people’s lives drew my attention completely. Brighton’s course, focusing on tackling a social problem to help people, identified it instantly as the right course for me.” Read More

Josphine's product Opal screen on

Graduates 2022: Josephine Choy: Product Design

“My time at Brighton has been really rewarding and fulfilling. The course itself was very close-knit and collaborative where I have gotten to meet and work with people from different years with different passions. The tutors also come from various backgrounds which diversified my learning — there was never really a ‘right’ answer, just different perspectives.” Read More

Focusrite company logo

Product design placement opportunities with Focusrite

More people record and listen to their productions through Focusrite than any other interface brand. Their eight brands; Focusrite, Focusrite Pro, Novation, ADAM Audio, Sequential, Martin Audio, Optimal Audio and Ampify Music, come together around a common mission to remove barriers to creativity. And Focusrite are looking for students to join them for a year-long paid placement. Read More