Poster for Leaving Greece

Come along to two free lunchtime film screenings

Come to two free film screenings Watts building as part of the 16 Days of Activism: 30 November (Leaving Greece, 2013 and Boya Boya, 2014) and 9 December (Dream Girls, 1993), 12pm.

The School of Media together with the School of Environment and Technology are organizing two screenings to mark the 16 Days of Activism . The films are provided by the Royal Anthropology Institute..

30 November: double bill of Leaving Greece (2013) and Boya Boya (2014)

9 December: Dream Girls (1994)

Room 309, Watts Building, University of Brighton, Lewes Road, BN2 4GJ, 12pm-2pm.

Make a Job bookcover

Gem Barton gives talk at The Design Museum

Gem Barton, Course Leader of Interior Architecture has given a talk on the future of design at The Design Museum in London.  In her talk Gem described her new book, ‘Don’t Get a Job…Make a Job: How to make it as a creative graduate’ (Laurence King Publishing, 2016). This is a practical guide for graduating […]

Source: The University of Brighton Architecture & Interior Architecture Blog

Newhaven Fort

Newhaven Fort trip – Brighton Architecture & Interior Architecture

This week students had a site visit to Newhaven Fort; here final year student Gaby Eason reflects on the experience. Exploring Newhaven Fort, made it apparent that we, as a generation have become disconnected from our history. From Newhaven Town to Fort Rise, the grey dreary weather mirrored the experience that the soldiers would have […]

Source: Newhaven Fort Trip. – The University of Brighton Architecture & Interior Architecture Blog