antisocial isolation

Current Fine Art MA student Valerie Savchits in group show at Delphian Gallery

Valerie is showing in Antisocial Isolation, a group exhibition at Saatchi Gallery, which brings together a collection of some of the most exciting early-career artists working today.

Find out about the exhibition Antisocial Isolation.

About the exhibition:

“Artworks as records of history mediate the transitory space between what we experience and our shifting perceptions of those experiences. All of the works included have either been made during the current Covid19 pandemic, been made in response to it, or have developed new potential contexts when viewed from within it.

This exhibition is presented in a new liminal space which is neither isolated nor social. Embedded within each work are a myriad of shifting signifiers that are decoded afresh by each viewer, whose subjective lens endows the art with fluid meanings that are entirely unique.”

Find out about studying Fine Art MA at Brighton.

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