My project begins with visiting traditional architecture in Taiwan.
I am inspired by the material used and the style developed in the culture, and it leads into creating a project that positions red clay material, which has historical and cultural meaning in traditional Taiwanese architecture, into an artistic interpretation and modern representation.
The Craft in Architecture
Traditional Taiwanese architecture represents a combination of craftsmanship and is a record of how people live during the time. As society structure altered, the cultural aesthetics and historical stories lost its way in our modern life, substituted by concrete buildings and skyscrapers.This projectevaluates cultural architecture under several directions, and positions the study of form and red clay material in consideration with vernacular language and modern context. The construction of each form is accomplished by calibrated processes and accuracy, and the wall pieces presents a picture that captures the visual representation overlooking the original location.
What plans you have following graduation
I will be studying master’s degree in industrial design at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, USA.
How did you find studying 3D Design and Craft at Brighton?
The course has given me the opportunity to explore making with a variety of materials. Together with research, I have learned and developed skills that are helpful in creating my practice. The studio environment encourages experimentation, and creates an atmosphere where inspiring conversations of art, design and making often take place.