News updates from the centre of research excellence

Author Fergus Guppy

Dr Annamaria Gal to talk at Brighton and Sussex Cancer Network

STRAND researcher Dr Annamaria Gal is giving a talk to the Brighton and Sussex Cancer Network on Thursday 26th November.  The seminar, entitled “Plasticity and recruitent of tumour associated macrophages in murine metastatic melanoma” will run from 4-6pm in the Medical… Continue Reading →

New wound dressing to detect infection?

The STRAND microbiology research team, led by Dr Brian Jones, have played a key role in developing a new “intelligent” wound dressing that responds to infection. Dr Jones and his team (from Univeristy of Brighton, Queen Victoria Hospital, and the Blond McIndoe Research Foundation)… Continue Reading →

STRAND Journal Club with Dr Charley Chatterjee

This Wednesday sees the 5th instalment of the STRAND Journal Club where Dr Chatterjee will be taking the group through a paper from researchers at the Universities of Melbourne and Queensland, as well as clinicians at the Murdoch Children’s Research… Continue Reading →

STRAND Journal Club with Prof. Adrian Bone

Professor of Cell & Molecular Biology Adrian Bone will be leading the next STRAND Journal Club on Wednesday 11th November. Prof Bone will be discussing a recent paper looking at gene expression and insulin secretion in pseudoislet cells, published last month… Continue Reading →

STRAND Journal Club with Prof. Richard Faragher

Professor of Biogenterology Dr Richard Faragher will lead the next instalment of the STRAND Journal Club on Wednesday 28th October examining the essential role that senescent cells play in wound healing.  The article that will form the basis of the discussion,… Continue Reading →

Undergraduate Project Student presents work at leading tumour immunology conference

Dr Annamaria Gal, Dr Nadia Terrazzini and final year undergraduate Christopher Wignall, recently presented work at the prestigious meeting Cell Symposia: Cancer, Inflammation and Immunity in Stiges Spain. Chris’ undergraduate project work involved targeting tumour promoting macrophages in an in vitro… Continue Reading →

Journal Club: Bayesian Analysis and the misinterpretation of p-values

Dr Andy Overall, and Dr Greg Scutt, will be leading a discussion session on Wednesday 14th October, 3.30-5.00 pm in Watts House Seminar Room on the use of Bayesian Analysis and the misinterpretation of p-values with this paper providing a good starting… Continue Reading →

Dr Claire Marriott blogs for Ask for Evidence

STRAND member and Ask for Evidence supporter, Dr Claire Marriott, recently gave a talk to 10 new Science About Science Ask for Evidence Ambassadors at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. In her new blog post, Dr Marriott says that: “We are constantly… Continue Reading →

Diabetes Research by STRAND Members

Prof. Adrian Bone and colleagues in the Diabetes Research Group talk about the work being undertaken at the University of Brighton For more information contact Prof. Bone

Annual Research Away Day

The STRAND Research Group had its first annual Research Away Day back in July, at the Star Inn in Alfriston. Group members presented on Research Interests, as well as ideas for fostering new collaborations, with the main talk of the… Continue Reading →

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