© 2017 Gosia Nowacka

‘Think different’

by Gosia Nowacka

FIGURE 1 Campaign video narrated by Steve Jobs himself.

Interestingly enough this version of the video was not released as Jobs did not want to be associated as a voice of the campaign. Apart from the narration music is second if not the most important part of the video. It is very sublime and instantly puts us in this kind of nostalgic, sentimental mood.

FIGURE 2 Celebrity photos used in the campaign.

Using celebrity is a very popular way to advertise a product. In his campaign though, Jobs decided to use successful people who ‘are crazy enough to to think that they can change the world’ and therefore they do. That shows us the company aspirations but also suggest that using the products we can change the world too.

FIGURE 3 Campaign T-shirt

The fact that campaign slogan was printed on the T-shirts which are being sold until this day shows how iconic and timeless it is. People want to be associated with the brand and slogan meaning that the campaign was an absolute success.

FIGURE 4 Steve Jobs and his powerful campaign speech

Even though Jobs did not want to release the official campaign video narrated by him he still played a very important role in promoting the campaign in his distinctive talks.

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