The brief, although daunting, has really excited me. I am looking forward to starting this journey of discovery into what I believe identity means and the way I think about the body.

I have always been someone who believes that being one’s true self is very important, and empowering one’s self too. Therefore this project of identity and the body, I believe, will help me further my connection with the concept of identity and my love of the human body.

It is well known that most teenager’s have insecurities and worries about their ‘imperfections’. Some, as they grow up choose to ignore them, and other’s choose to embrace them.

Unfortunately, due to the world we live in now, that continuously demands perfection, the culture of cosmetic surgery and making changes to oneself has grown massively. ‘According to new data provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, cosmetic surgery has seen explosive growth in the US. Between 2000 and 2016, there’s been 132% more procedures — and that number doesn’t include reconstructive surgeries in response to injury, disease, or gender confirmation.'(1)

I think something I would like to look into would be how insecurities can shape people’s identities.

My aim for beginning my research is to begin with writing down and brainstorming what identity and the body mean to me. And, because I have just thought of an aspect about identity that interests me, I would be keen on delving deeper into this. However, I do think it is important that I do not make any final decisions and that I explore as widely as I can before I decide on the elements about identity and the body that interest me the most for my zine.

I would also like to research illustration and imaging artists, and other creators that I can gain inspiration from for this project.



stay tuned…

stay groovy x x




(1) Gould, Skye, and Dave Mosher. “Americans Spent $8 Billion On Plastic Surgery In 2016 — Here’s The Work They Got Done.” Business Insider, 2017,

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