On mood politics, sentiment data, market sentiments and other sentiment agencies.

Realities are increasingly generated through moods, and it is moods rather than facts that determine perceptions, decisions and courses of action to an ever greater degree.

The artistic works shown in the exhibitions address manipulative techniques of ideological mood politics, deal with the emotionally charged struggle for definition authority between reality and fiction, analyses the influence and impact of moods on financial markets, or confront technological developments that exert a direct or indirect influence on human behaviour, concepts and social relationships through emotional analysis.

Xavier Cha


Xavier Cha investigates the impact of digital image communications on our emotional perception and behaviour in the post-Internet era. In a laboratory situation she shows a range of emotional test subjects whose faces register emotional impulses in quick succession-anger, joy, grief, mania, disgust, surprise and shock.

It was quite interesting that the film never shows the reasons of those emotions.

Tom Molly


Tom Molly displayed prints of cut-out figures from online media. Those figures are illustrations of actual protesters, who represent a particular attitude or opinion.

I found out that there are quite lots of protests going around the whole world, both in politics and non politics, so this artwork captured my mind.

Molly raises issues such as the emotional relationship between subject and society amid performative staging and linguistic representation.

Barbora Kleinhamplova

Reliable Relationship

This films shows an NLP (near-linguistic programming) course to which managers were invited without being informed of the staged nature of the event. She investigates how the rational and the irrational interfere in the economy an d in art, examine manipulative and economic influences in both systems.

Scott Kildall


EquityBot is a share-trading algorithm that invests in emotions such as anger, joy, disgust and surprise.

Ruben van de Ven

Emotion Hero

In his work, Ruben van de Ven explores the functional processes and paradigms of emotion recognition programs: Such programs are used to “objectively” measure and evaluation emotions, but they are also deployed as a technological tool to train n people in how optimally to represent emotions.

Bego M. Santiago

Follow the Path

In her video installation, she shows men and women dressed in white swimming in group on their own or in pairs. The swimming arrangement changes from a loose framework into a complex network-like structure.

Her video was quite eye-catching. Those small figures looked like they are swimming. They were moving in a certain patterns, which made it more mysterious.