24th July

We had agreed previously that today was to be designated ‘Tool Shed Day’ and I was pleasantly surprised that Carol, David, Ken, Ed and then Bill all came along for a morning of emptying, sorting, cleaning and reordering tools and space inside the shed. It gave us an opportunity to see what we have and what we need. It was also important that the new layout inside the shed, allowed us all to find and then return equipment safely. Ken very kindly donated a shelf unit for the chainsaw and all its accompanying parts, fuel and oils. But the first thing was to empty and clean, designing and replacing was much more enjoyable. It actually took all morning and we left at the usual time – without a formal coffee break! Thanks to everyone who helped, its going to make a big difference in the future.

With the wheel barrows removed, this is the typical layout of equipment in the woodland tool shed.

Everything was checked for its condition and usefulness
almost empty – the rickety structure holding ladders and tarps is the last to be removed.
Small tools have their own nail to hang from and the chain saw has its own shelf unit
The bow saws all hang on one peg and everything is easy to spot
The ladders are now stored safely against the back wall

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