Week 9 – CNC machining, moulding and casting

In this week we are learning how to use the CAM mode in Fusion 360 for CNC machine and how to create a female mould tool for a silicone resin injection, so we are able to create a solid part (We’re are not gonna get the real solid part now for reasons of force majeure). First of all i started to do the mould design in Fusion.

Then i moved from design to manufacture and i started to setup my stock, it is 50 x 50 x 10 mm (x,y,z), and the final part is 30 x 30 x 5 mm.


After this i had to setup all the operations settings as tool, geometry, heights, passes and linking.

I generate the tool path and post processed.

Once everything was settled i started the most interesting part, the simulation!


During the simulation i noticed that i missed the 2D pocket and the 2D counter, so i added it to my project, but instead of the 2D pocket i used engrave because it’s better for the text. I had some issues with engrave because my tool was not the right one, so i just edit it and changed all the settings and finally it worked!

Here i added a video of me working with the CNC Machine for the DP402 project.


  • This is my g-code for the mould.

  • (CNC-volpe-tile2)
    (T1 D=3 CR=0 – ZMIN=-8 – flat end mill)(T8 D=25.4 CR=0 TAPER=30deg – ZMIN=-3.864 – chamfer mill)G90 G94
    G28 G91 Z0
    T1 M6
    S5820 M3
    G0 X16.094 Y-15.529
    G1 Z-0.7 F349.2
    G18 G3 X15.794 Z-1 I-0.3 K0
    G1 X14.891
    G17 G2 X-15.481 Y-14.048 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.482
    G3 X15.525 Y-12.568 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-11.087 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-9.606 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-8.126 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-6.645 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-5.164 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-3.684 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-2.203 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-0.722 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y0.759 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y2.239 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y3.72 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y5.201 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y6.681 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y8.162 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y9.643 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y11.123 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y12.604 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y14.085 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.476
    G18 G3 X-15.775 Z-0.7 I0 K0.3
    G0 Z3
    X-16.098 Y-15.529
    G1 Z-1.7 F349.2
    G2 X-15.798 Z-2 I0.3 K0
    G1 X-14.89
    G17 G3 X15.482 Y-14.048 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.481
    G2 X-15.525 Y-12.568 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-11.087 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-9.606 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-8.126 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-6.645 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-5.164 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-3.684 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-2.203 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-0.722 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y0.759 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y2.239 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y3.72 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y5.201 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y6.681 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y8.162 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y9.643 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y11.123 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y12.604 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y14.085 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.475
    G18 G2 X15.776 Z-1.7 I0 K0.3
    G0 Z3
    X16.094 Y-15.529
    G1 Z-2.7 F349.2
    G3 X15.794 Z-3 I-0.3 K0
    G1 X14.891
    G17 G2 X-15.481 Y-14.048 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.482
    G3 X15.525 Y-12.568 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-11.087 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-9.606 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-8.126 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-6.645 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-5.164 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-3.684 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y-2.203 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y-0.722 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y0.759 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y2.239 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y3.72 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y5.201 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y6.681 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y8.162 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y9.643 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y11.123 I0 J0.74
    G1 X-15.525
    G2 X-15.525 Y12.604 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.525
    G3 X15.525 Y14.085 I0 J0.74
    G1 X15.476
    G18 G3 X-15.775 Z-2.7 I0 K0.3
    G0 Z3
    G28 G91 Z0
    T8 M6
    S1620 M3
    G0 X-11.891 Y4.686
    G1 Z-3.001 F355.6
    X-11.825 Y4.674 Z-3.11
    X-11.841 Y4.659 Z-3.074
    X-11.825 Y4.674 Z-3.11
    X-11.808 Y4.68 Z-3.13
    X-11.791 Y4.687 Z-3.144
    X-11.778 Y4.689 Z-3.15
    X-11.638 Y4.684 Z-3.159
    X-11.448 Y4.68 Z-3.162
    X-11.336 Y4.675 Z-3.164
    X-11.259 Y4.67 Z-3.17
    X-11.198 Y4.662 Z-3.178
    X-11.141 Y4.653 Z-3.191
    X-11.073 Y4.637 Z-3.213
    X-10.988 Y4.614 Z-3.246
    X-10.932 Y4.598 Z-3.272
    X-10.91 Y4.589 Z-3.287
    X-10.814 Y4.545 Z-3.359
    X-10.74 Y4.508 Z-3.42
    X-10.666 Y4.468 Z-3.487
    X-10.586 Y4.42 Z-3.568
    X-10.491 Y4.358 Z-3.673
    X-10.336 Y4.25 Z-3.859
    X-10.269 Y4.333 Z-3.717
    X-10.222 Y4.387 Z-3.626
    X-10.175 Y4.435 Z-3.545
    X-10.128 Y4.475 Z-3.477
    X-10.081 Y4.51 Z-3.42
    X-10.018 Y4.551 Z-3.351
    X-9.972 Y4.579 Z-3.306
    X-9.929 Y4.6 Z-3.272
    X-9.889 Y4.617 Z-3.247
    X-9.856 Y4.627 Z-3.23
    X-9.813 Y4.638 Z-3.216
    X-9.77 Y4.644 Z-3.207
    X-9.717 Y4.649 Z-3.202
    X-9.655 Y4.652 Z-3.201
    X-9.4 Y4.659 Z-3.199
    X-9.017 Y4.665 Z-3.192
    X-8.937 Y4.664 Z-3.194
    X-8.885 Y4.666 Z-3.191
    X-8.849 Y4.67 Z-3.183
    X-8.829 Y4.675 Z-3.176
    X-8.8 Y4.684 Z-3.158
    X-8.779 Y4.689 Z-3.14
    X-8.759 Y4.688 Z-3.114
    X-8.682 Y4.676 Z-3.001
    X-8.759 Y4.688 Z-3.114
    X-8.779 Y4.689 Z-3.14
    X-8.8 Y4.684 Z-3.158
    X-8.829 Y4.675 Z-3.176
    X-8.849 Y4.67 Z-3.183
    X-8.885 Y4.666 Z-3.191
    X-8.937 Y4.664 Z-3.194
    X-9.017 Y4.665 Z-3.192
    X-9.4 Y4.659 Z-3.199
    X-9.655 Y4.652 Z-3.201
    X-9.717 Y4.649 Z-3.202
    X-9.77 Y4.644 Z-3.207
    X-9.813 Y4.638 Z-3.216
    X-9.856 Y4.627 Z-3.23
    X-9.889 Y4.617 Z-3.247
    X-9.929 Y4.6 Z-3.272
    X-9.972 Y4.579 Z-3.306
    X-10.018 Y4.551 Z-3.351
    X-10.081 Y4.51 Z-3.42
    X-10.128 Y4.475 Z-3.477
    X-10.175 Y4.435 Z-3.545
    X-10.222 Y4.387 Z-3.626
    X-10.269 Y4.333 Z-3.717
    X-10.336 Y4.25 Z-3.859
    X-10.315 Y4.184 Z-3.856
    X-10.311 Y4.173 Z-3.855
    X-10.224 Y3.91 Z-3.845
    X-9.845 Y2.82 Z-3.832
    X-9.446 Y1.676 Z-3.826
    X-9.119 Y0.738 Z-3.82
    X-8.848 Y-0.045 Z-3.814
    X-8.671 Y-0.564
    X-8.612 Y-0.737 Z-3.816
    X-8.594 Y-0.778 Z-3.822
    X-8.574 Y-0.82 Z-3.832
    X-8.553 Y-0.861 Z-3.845
    X-8.527 Y-0.905 Z-3.864
    X-8.521 Y-1.487 Z-3.559
    X-8.522 Y-1.729 Z-3.439
    X-8.519 Y-1.86 Z-3.368
    X-8.514 Y-1.956 Z-3.311
    X-8.506 Y-2.053 Z-3.249
    X-8.493 Y-2.155 Z-3.177
    X-8.481 Y-2.246 Z-3.106
    X-8.483 Y-2.26 Z-3.09
    X-8.494 Y-2.302 Z-3.032
    X-8.501 Y-2.323 Z-3.001
    X-8.494 Y-2.302 Z-3.032
    X-8.483 Y-2.26 Z-3.09
    X-8.481 Y-2.246 Z-3.106
    X-8.493 Y-2.155 Z-3.177
    X-8.506 Y-2.053 Z-3.249
    X-8.514 Y-1.956 Z-3.311
    X-8.519 Y-1.86 Z-3.368
    X-8.522 Y-1.729 Z-3.439
    X-8.521 Y-1.487 Z-3.559
    X-8.527 Y-0.905 Z-3.864
    X-8.434 Y-0.878 Z-3.725
    X-8.351 Y-0.848 Z-3.602
    X-8.276 Y-0.815 Z-3.497
    X-8.221 Y-0.784 Z-3.422
    X-8.174 Y-0.752 Z-3.36
    X-8.133 Y-0.717 Z-3.311
    X-8.099 Y-0.68 Z-3.274
    X-8.073 Y-0.64 Z-3.251
    X-8.061 Y-0.616 Z-3.243
    X-8.051 Y-0.591 Z-3.24
    X-7.847 Y0.005 Z-3.22
    X-7.698 Y0.436 Z-3.211
    X-7.548 Y0.865 Z-3.205
    X-7.343 Y1.45 Z-3.204
    X-7.172 Y1.939 Z-3.209
    X-6.987 Y2.471 Z-3.221
    X-6.801 Y3.013 Z-3.239
    X-6.638 Y3.496 Z-3.26
    X-6.422 Y4.139 Z-3.295
    X-6.391 Y4.224 Z-3.304
    X-6.355 Y4.313 Z-3.32
    X-6.344 Y4.341 Z-3.328
    X-6.334 Y4.373 Z-3.343
    X-6.326 Y4.406 Z-3.363
    X-6.32 Y4.441 Z-3.389
    X-6.314 Y4.494 Z-3.436
    X-6.212 Y4.544 Z-3.35
    X-6.157 Y4.569 Z-3.306
    X-6.122 Y4.583 Z-3.282
    X-6.079 Y4.595 Z-3.261
    X-5.953 Y4.624 Z-3.214
    X-5.868 Y4.641 Z-3.188
    X-5.81 Y4.65 Z-3.174
    X-5.729 Y4.659 Z-3.16
    X-5.671 Y4.663 Z-3.154
    X-5.59 Y4.667 Z-3.149
    X-5.459 Y4.67 Z-3.147
    X-5.358 Y4.673 Z-3.145
    X-5.341 Y4.675 Z-3.138
    X-5.329 Y4.676 Z-3.127
    X-5.295 Z-3.079
    X-5.242 Z-3.001
    X-5.295 Z-3.079
    X-5.329 Z-3.127
    X-5.341 Y4.675 Z-3.138
    X-5.358 Y4.673 Z-3.145
    X-5.459 Y4.67 Z-3.147
    X-5.59 Y4.667 Z-3.149
    X-5.671 Y4.663 Z-3.154
    X-5.729 Y4.659 Z-3.16
    X-5.81 Y4.65 Z-3.174
    X-5.868 Y4.641 Z-3.188
    X-5.953 Y4.624 Z-3.214
    X-6.079 Y4.595 Z-3.261
    X-6.122 Y4.583 Z-3.282
    X-6.157 Y4.569 Z-3.306
    X-6.212 Y4.544 Z-3.35
    X-6.314 Y4.494 Z-3.436
    X-6.421 Y4.557 Z-3.328
    X-6.492 Y4.594 Z-3.265
    X-6.55 Y4.62 Z-3.222
    X-6.592 Y4.636 Z-3.196
    X-6.629 Y4.647 Z-3.178
    X-6.682 Y4.66 Z-3.159
    X-6.729 Y4.667 Z-3.148
    X-6.78 Y4.673 Z-3.142
    X-6.833 Y4.675 Z-3.139
    X-6.918 Z-3.14
    X-7.188 Y4.67 Z-3.154
    X-7.254 Z-3.158
    X-7.294 Y4.667 Z-3.156
    X-7.323 Y4.663 Z-3.149
    X-7.344 Y4.656 Z-3.138
    X-7.375 Y4.645 Z-3.114
    X-7.379 Y4.644 Z-3.11
    X-7.399 Y4.646 Z-3.08
    X-7.451 Y4.656 Z-3.001
    G0 Z0
    X-4.057 Y1.845
    G1 Z-3.404 F355.6
    X-4.039 Y1.866 Z-3.394
    X-3.943 Y1.964 Z-3.346
    X-3.892 Y2.01 Z-3.323
    X-3.84 Y2.053 Z-3.3
    X-3.785 Y2.094 Z-3.278
    X-3.729 Y2.132 Z-3.256
    X-3.671 Y2.165 Z-3.237
    X-3.611 Y2.195 Z-3.219
    X-3.548 Y2.221 Z-3.203
    X-3.482 Y2.245 Z-3.189
    X-3.413 Y2.266 Z-3.177
    X-3.315 Y2.29 Z-3.162
    X-3.251 Y2.303 Z-3.155
    X-3.123 Y2.324 Z-3.142
    X-2.937 Y2.349 Z-3.127
    X-2.902 Z-3.132
    X-2.798 Y2.338 Z-3.134
    X-2.686 Y2.324 Z-3.138
    X-2.614 Y2.312 Z-3.144
    X-2.54 Y2.297 Z-3.152
    X-2.454 Y2.273 Z-3.168
    X-2.373 Y2.245 Z-3.188
    X-2.325 Y2.225 Z-3.204
    X-2.242 Y2.184 Z-3.234
    X-2.161 Y2.137 Z-3.267
    X-2.087 Y2.087 Z-3.297
    X-2.016 Y2.033 Z-3.325
    X-1.983 Y2.006 Z-3.337
    X-1.95 Y1.978 Z-3.348
    X-1.909 Y1.937 Z-3.368
    X-1.82 Y1.835 Z-3.422
    X-1.732 Y1.726 Z-3.472
    X-1.643 Y1.611 Z-3.522
    X-1.572 Y1.514 Z-3.565
    X-1.501 Y1.391 Z-3.596
    X-1.421 Y1.24 Z-3.638
    X-1.375 Y1.143 Z-3.666
    X-1.325 Y1.025 Z-3.7
    X-1.284 Y0.91 Z-3.73
    X-1.252 Y0.803 Z-3.753
    X-1.227 Y0.693 Z-3.771
    X-1.207 Y0.574 Z-3.784
    X-1.191 Y0.446 Z-3.794
    X-1.176 Y0.277 Z-3.804
    X-1.165 Y0.088 Z-3.812
    X-1.163 Y0.031
    X-1.172 Y-0.208 Z-3.79
    X-1.183 Y-0.371 Z-3.771
    X-1.193 Y-0.468 Z-3.758
    X-1.209 Y-0.586 Z-3.737
    X-1.229 Y-0.695 Z-3.711
    X-1.256 Y-0.805 Z-3.679
    X-1.293 Y-0.922 Z-3.639
    X-1.339 Y-1.046 Z-3.593
    X-1.395 Y-1.176 Z-3.545
    X-1.441 Y-1.273 Z-3.511
    X-1.503 Y-1.389 Z-3.476
    X-1.52 Y-1.419 Z-3.468
    X-1.577 Y-1.496 Z-3.432
    X-1.658 Y-1.596 Z-3.393
    X-1.745 Y-1.689 Z-3.362
    X-1.836 Y-1.774 Z-3.34
    X-1.932 Y-1.85 Z-3.322
    X-2.034 Y-1.918 Z-3.306
    X-2.129 Y-1.97 Z-3.289
    X-2.142 Y-1.977 Z-3.287
    X-2.258 Y-2.028 Z-3.264
    X-2.383 Y-2.074 Z-3.236
    X-2.515 Y-2.116 Z-3.205
    X-2.714 Y-2.17 Z-3.154
    X-2.834 Y-2.2 Z-3.123
    X-2.862 Y-2.204 Z-3.121
    X-2.87 Y-2.203
    X-3.085 Y-2.178 Z-3.129
    X-3.185 Y-2.162 Z-3.136
    X-3.29 Y-2.14 Z-3.147
    X-3.389 Y-2.114 Z-3.163
    X-3.447 Y-2.095 Z-3.175
    X-3.513 Y-2.069 Z-3.192
    X-3.577 Y-2.039 Z-3.211
    X-3.639 Y-2.006 Z-3.232
    X-3.693 Y-1.973 Z-3.251
    X-3.745 Y-1.938 Z-3.27
    X-3.79 Y-1.905 Z-3.288
    X-3.86 Y-1.849 Z-3.315
    X-3.957 Y-1.763 Z-3.352
    X-4.015 Y-1.707 Z-3.373
    X-4.035 Y-1.687 Z-3.38
    X-4.069 Y-1.65 Z-3.397
    X-4.16 Y-1.534 Z-3.456
    X-4.278 Y-1.378 Z-3.535
    X-4.34 Y-1.271 Z-3.565
    X-4.412 Y-1.139 Z-3.604
    X-4.479 Y-1.003 Z-3.645
    X-4.528 Y-0.889 Z-3.68
    X-4.57 Y-0.774 Z-3.712
    X-4.603 Y-0.665 Z-3.738
    X-4.628 Y-0.553 Z-3.758
    X-4.647 Y-0.438 Z-3.774
    X-4.663 Y-0.31 Z-3.786
    X-4.676 Y-0.169 Z-3.797
    X-4.69 Y0.066 Z-3.811
    Y0.089 Z-3.813
    X-4.676 Y0.351 Z-3.802
    X-4.662 Y0.512 Z-3.792
    X-4.65 Y0.614 Z-3.784
    X-4.63 Y0.732 Z-3.772
    X-4.606 Y0.84 Z-3.755
    X-4.575 Y0.946 Z-3.733
    X-4.534 Y1.058 Z-3.704
    X-4.484 Y1.179 Z-3.669
    X-4.424 Y1.306 Z-3.629
    X-4.322 Y1.507 Z-3.561
    X-4.302 Y1.545 Z-3.549
    X-4.278 Y1.58 Z-3.528
    X-4.231 Y1.641 Z-3.499
    X-4.129 Y1.764 Z-3.442
    X-4.057 Y1.845 Z-3.404
    G0 Z0
    X-0.171 Y2.286
    G1 Z-3.001 F355.6
    X-0.095 Y2.28 Z-3.124
    X-0.11 Y2.262 Z-3.085
    X-0.095 Y2.28 Z-3.124
    X-0.092 Y2.281 Z-3.126
    X-0.085 Y2.282 Z-3.128
    X0.015 Y2.277 Z-3.137
    X0.108 Y2.275 Z-3.138
    X0.234 Y2.272 Z-3.142
    X0.296 Y2.265 Z-3.153
    X0.341 Y2.257 Z-3.167
    X0.371 Y2.245 Z-3.187
    X0.401 Y2.229 Z-3.215
    X0.479 Y2.178 Z-3.301
    X0.568 Y2.118 Z-3.405
    X0.637 Y2.066 Z-3.493
    X0.71 Y2.007 Z-3.594
    X0.794 Y1.934 Z-3.72
    X0.892 Y2.024 Z-3.564
    X0.998 Y2.114 Z-3.406
    X1.054 Y2.16 Z-3.325
    X1.087 Y2.185 Z-3.282
    X1.12 Y2.205 Z-3.246
    X1.174 Y2.228 Z-3.207
    X1.229 Y2.247 Z-3.173
    X1.27 Y2.257 Z-3.154
    X1.309 Y2.264 Z-3.142
    X1.346 Y2.268 Z-3.136
    X1.401 Y2.273 Z-3.135
    X1.448 Y2.274 Z-3.137
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    X8.518 Y2.177 Z-3.295
    X8.438 Y2.232 Z-3.213
    X8.423 Y2.241 Z-3.199
    X8.385 Y2.257 Z-3.171
    X8.347 Y2.265 Z-3.158
    X8.239 Y2.275 Z-3.14
    X8.161 Y2.28 Z-3.132
    X8.082 Y2.281 Z-3.129
    X7.939 Y2.28 Z-3.127
    X7.929 Y2.293 Z-3.1
    X7.939 Y2.28 Z-3.127
    X7.934 Y2.277 Z-3.12
    X7.877 Y2.276 Z-3.03
    X7.859 Z-3.001
    X7.877 Z-3.03
    X7.934 Y2.277 Z-3.12
    X7.924 Y2.264 Z-3.093
    X7.934 Y2.277 Z-3.12
    X7.939 Y2.28 Z-3.127
    X8.082 Y2.281 Z-3.129
    X8.161 Y2.28 Z-3.132
    X8.239 Y2.275 Z-3.14
    X8.347 Y2.265 Z-3.158
    X8.385 Y2.257 Z-3.171
    X8.423 Y2.241 Z-3.199
    X8.438 Y2.232 Z-3.213
    X8.518 Y2.177 Z-3.295
    X8.585 Y2.13 Z-3.375
    X8.652 Y2.079 Z-3.463
    X8.729 Y2.014 Z-3.574
    X8.816 Y1.934 Z-3.714
    X9.063 Y2.184 Z-3.289
    X9.104 Y2.217 Z-3.233
    X9.125 Y2.23 Z-3.212
    X9.145 Y2.241 Z-3.194
    X9.166 Y2.249 Z-3.18
    X9.187 Y2.255 Z-3.171
    X9.207 Y2.259 Z-3.165
    X9.229 Y2.26 Z-3.163
    X9.29 Y2.261 Z-3.165
    X10.178 Y2.26 Z-3.166
    X10.312 Y2.256 Z-3.172
    X10.446 Y2.251 Z-3.183
    X10.58 Y2.242 Z-3.197
    X10.8 Y2.225 Z-3.227
    X10.831 Y2.221 Z-3.234
    X10.862 Y2.213 Z-3.248
    X11.034 Y2.156 Z-3.347
    X11.128 Y2.123 Z-3.406
    X11.171 Y2.108 Z-3.435
    X11.275 Y2.226 Z-3.239
    X11.376 Y2.34 Z-3.057
    X11.408 Y2.375 Z-3.001
    X11.376 Y2.34 Z-3.057
    X11.275 Y2.226 Z-3.239
    X11.171 Y2.108 Z-3.435
    X11.214 Y2.019 Z-3.377
    X11.243 Y1.95 Z-3.338
    X11.271 Y1.877 Z-3.303
    X11.284 Y1.841 Z-3.287
    X11.309 Y1.756 Z-3.256
    X11.325 Y1.694 Z-3.238
    X11.346 Y1.602 Z-3.216
    X11.363 Y1.507 Z-3.2
    X11.38 Y1.398 Z-3.185
    X11.402 Y1.24 Z-3.17
    X11.411 Y1.176 Z-3.167
    X11.417 Y1.139 Z-3.159
    X11.422 Y1.118 Z-3.15
    X11.43 Y1.102 Z-3.137
    X11.439 Y1.082 Z-3.116
    Y1.007 Z-3.001
    G0 Z0
    G28 G91 Z0
    G90(2D Contour2)
    T1 M6
    S5820 M3
    G0 X-0.3 Y17.662
    G1 Z-2 F30
    G19 G2 Y17.362 Z-8 J-0.3 K0 F349.2
    G1 Y17.062
    G17 G3 X0 Y16.762 I0.3 J0
    G1 X12.266
    X12.351 Y16.76
    X12.694 Y16.74
    X12.78 Y16.733
    X12.865 Y16.721
    X13.202 Y16.662
    X13.287 Y16.645
    X13.37 Y16.623
    X13.698 Y16.526
    X13.78 Y16.5
    X13.86 Y16.469
    X14.175 Y16.335
    X14.253 Y16.3
    X14.329 Y16.26
    X14.627 Y16.091
    X14.701 Y16.047
    X14.771 Y15.998
    X15.048 Y15.797
    X15.116 Y15.744
    X15.181 Y15.688
    X15.433 Y15.456
    X15.494 Y15.396
    X15.552 Y15.333
    X15.776 Y15.074
    X15.831 Y15.007
    X15.881 Y14.938
    X16.074 Y14.655
    X16.12 Y14.583
    X16.162 Y14.508
    X16.321 Y14.205
    X16.359 Y14.128
    X16.392 Y14.048
    X16.516 Y13.729
    X16.545 Y13.648
    X16.569 Y13.566
    X16.655 Y13.234
    X16.674 Y13.151
    X16.689 Y13.066
    X16.737 Y12.727
    X16.75 Y12.579
    X16.761 Y12.328
    X16.762 Y12.266
    X16.76 Y-12.351
    X16.74 Y-12.694
    X16.733 Y-12.78
    X16.721 Y-12.865
    X16.662 Y-13.202
    X16.645 Y-13.287
    X16.623 Y-13.37
    X16.526 Y-13.698
    X16.5 Y-13.78
    X16.469 Y-13.86
    X16.335 Y-14.175
    X16.3 Y-14.253
    X16.26 Y-14.329
    X16.091 Y-14.627
    X16.047 Y-14.701
    X15.998 Y-14.771
    X15.797 Y-15.048
    X15.744 Y-15.116
    X15.688 Y-15.181
    X15.456 Y-15.433
    X15.396 Y-15.494
    X15.333 Y-15.552
    X15.074 Y-15.776
    X15.007 Y-15.831
    X14.938 Y-15.881
    X14.655 Y-16.074
    X14.583 Y-16.12
    X14.508 Y-16.162
    X14.205 Y-16.321
    X14.128 Y-16.359
    X14.048 Y-16.392
    X13.729 Y-16.516
    X13.648 Y-16.545
    X13.566 Y-16.569
    X13.234 Y-16.655
    X13.151 Y-16.674
    X13.066 Y-16.689
    X12.727 Y-16.737
    X12.579 Y-16.75
    X12.328 Y-16.761
    X12.266 Y-16.762
    X-12.351 Y-16.76
    X-12.694 Y-16.74
    X-12.78 Y-16.733
    X-12.865 Y-16.721
    X-13.202 Y-16.662
    X-13.287 Y-16.645
    X-13.37 Y-16.623
    X-13.698 Y-16.526
    X-13.78 Y-16.5
    X-13.86 Y-16.469
    X-14.175 Y-16.335
    X-14.253 Y-16.3
    X-14.329 Y-16.26
    X-14.627 Y-16.091
    X-14.701 Y-16.047
    X-14.771 Y-15.998
    X-15.048 Y-15.797
    X-15.116 Y-15.744
    X-15.181 Y-15.688
    X-15.433 Y-15.456
    X-15.494 Y-15.396
    X-15.552 Y-15.333
    X-15.776 Y-15.074
    X-15.831 Y-15.007
    X-15.881 Y-14.938
    X-16.074 Y-14.655
    X-16.12 Y-14.583
    X-16.162 Y-14.508
    X-16.321 Y-14.205
    X-16.359 Y-14.128
    X-16.392 Y-14.048
    X-16.516 Y-13.729
    X-16.545 Y-13.648
    X-16.569 Y-13.566
    X-16.655 Y-13.234
    X-16.674 Y-13.151
    X-16.689 Y-13.066
    X-16.737 Y-12.727
    X-16.75 Y-12.579
    X-16.761 Y-12.328
    X-16.762 Y-12.266
    X-16.76 Y12.351
    X-16.74 Y12.694
    X-16.733 Y12.78
    X-16.721 Y12.865
    X-16.662 Y13.202
    X-16.645 Y13.287
    X-16.623 Y13.37
    X-16.526 Y13.698
    X-16.5 Y13.78
    X-16.469 Y13.86
    X-16.335 Y14.175
    X-16.3 Y14.253
    X-16.26 Y14.329
    X-16.091 Y14.627
    X-16.047 Y14.701
    X-15.998 Y14.771
    X-15.797 Y15.048
    X-15.744 Y15.116
    X-15.688 Y15.181
    X-15.456 Y15.433
    X-15.396 Y15.494
    X-15.333 Y15.552
    X-15.074 Y15.776
    X-15.007 Y15.831
    X-14.938 Y15.881
    X-14.655 Y16.074
    X-14.583 Y16.12
    X-14.508 Y16.162
    X-14.205 Y16.321
    X-14.128 Y16.359
    X-14.048 Y16.392
    X-13.729 Y16.516
    X-13.648 Y16.545
    X-13.566 Y16.569
    X-13.234 Y16.655
    X-13.151 Y16.674
    X-13.066 Y16.689
    X-12.727 Y16.737
    X-12.579 Y16.75
    X-12.328 Y16.761
    X-12.266 Y16.762
    G3 X0.3 Y17.062 I0 J0.3
    G1 Y17.362
    G19 G3 Y17.662 Z-7.7 J0 K0.3
    G0 Z0
    G28 G91 Z0
    G28 G91 X0 Y0

Week 6 – Embedded programming

In this lesson we added an OLED display in our Microbit system, it is used for reading information as temperature, light, drawings etc..

So i started with collegate the wires on the breadboard to the OLED display.


Then we had to create the code, in this way we can program the system and make wathever we want. The good thing to work with an open source system is that you can be creative and innovative, and do something new that is never been done before!

The code for attach the OLED display to the Microbit.

Once the code is ready you can collegate the Microbit to the computer and add it to the system. In this case we wanted to read the temperature with the Microbit, as we know there is a sensor inside that give us this opportunity. If everything is collegate in the right way this should be the final results!

Here is shown the Microbit connected to the OLED display, and with the program that we embedded before we can measure the temperature.



Week 1 – Introduction and websites

Making a website was our first project in the XE404 module, it will be used as a method of documenting our progress. Searching around WordPress themes i choose the Aaron theme, i think that the website look more professional with this one.


After the decision about the theme i had to choose one representative image and the background color that i would use for it. I choose the blue because is being proven by science that blue can have a sedative effect, calm the mind and can actually reduce blood pressure and body temperature. Human resources specialists propose blue for an interview or first meeting – which inspires trust, maturity and reliability.

This is the shade of blue that i used.


I added also this header background image that i think represent the soul of the XE404 module, a performant and appealing electronic component!

How to add contents?

Here is where the blog takes form, inside this internal area we can add contents to our pages or posts.

If you click edit post (up on the left) on the page that you want to modify


you will see the actual page writing.


For a more complete website we need to follow some rules, the first one is to add categories and menus for share the contents in an easyest way.

Organization diagram of a website.


A good explaination of what a diagram for a website is:

As i was saying before we need categories, menus and pages for populate our website.

For this we need to go in the customise section.


 Here we can see all the aspects for customise our website.

customise 2

We’re gonna click on the menu section in order to add posts and pages.

These are all my pages, and if you look properly you will see that all the week posts for XE are all under the XE404 page.


If we want to add a new post we have to click on add items


At this point you can choose if you want to add a page or a post.


Then you can go into the dashboard section that is to the left of the customise one, and you can see all the pages, posts and categories and you can modify them.

All my pages in this image.


How to add media?

Let’ s say that you want to add images or videos in your website, it is really easy to do, in the same page where we are adding text to our post you will see the add media section.

add media

Then you have to click on upload, and you have to check in you computer the image file that you want to add to the post. After this just click on insert into post.


Adding a video is even more easy, i just click on insert video from URL, in the same page, and then i have to paste a video from youtube or somewhere else and it will be added to the page.

Website icon

A website icon is important in a website, it represent your brand image or logo. I added it from the same customise menu / site identity / site icon

How the site icon look like.



A widget is an element of a graphical user interface (GUI) that displays information or provides a specific way for a user to interact with the operating system or an application.

Widgets include icons, pull-down menus, buttons, selection boxes, progress indicators, on-off checkmarks, scroll bars, windows, window edges (that let you resize the window), toggle buttons, form, and many other devices for displaying information and for inviting, accepting, and responding to user actions.


In WordPress if we want to add a widget we have to go into the dashboard and then click on the apperance, there we’ll see the widget section.

On the right the widgets that i have on my website, on the left the widgets that i could add.


Week 5 – Electronics design

In this week we started to use BBC Micro:bit that is an embedded system. The first thing to do is program what you want to do with the Microbit, and you can do that on the Microsoft website “Make Code”.

Here is shown the Microbit plugged into the computer with the program that i have written, it turn on the leds of the microbit for make a number 1 shape.


This image show when i started the first approach with the sealing of a component!


Below we have some examples of what you can do with Microbit, in this case we create a smiley and sad face which works with the buttons A and B or A+B pressed.

Button A pressed give us a smiley face and B pressed a sad face

A+B give us some mixed face between sad and smiley

The code for the smiley face.

Then we worked on the (LDR) Light dependent resistors, that are basically light sensitive components most often used to indicate the presence / absence of light.

(How Microbit should be collegate with the LDR)


The simple code that i have made for the LDR.


The complete circuit together.


These video are the demonstration of how the LDR work with a Microbit.

Week 8 – 3D printing and scanning

In this week we studied about 3D printing and scanning. Due to Covid-19 we didn’t had the chance to finalize this project with the 3D printer, but just with the scanning.

For this project i used an app for scanning called QLONE



Basically with this app you need a printed foil like this one showed below, and then you have to positionate your 3D object in the middle of it.

I have spent a lot of time for the scan, i had to redo it like 5 or 6 times because the feature is not really intuitive. Also the light is important, if the model is not illuminated properly the app can’t see the shape of the object.

The effective scanning.


I used this Homer Simpson figure for my scan.


The results that i had with this scanner, i can say it is nothing short of fun…


That is embarassing.. ahahah


So i just thinked that the Homer figure was too complex for the app, and i just tried with another more simple shape.

rubik cube

Same results, even worst in a sense. It was a Rubik Cube..

Week 9 – CNC machining, moulding and casting

  • In this week we are learning how to use the CAM mode in Fusion 360 for CNC machine and how to create a female mould tool for a silicone resin injection, so we are able to create a solid part (We’re are not gonna get the real solid part now for reasons of force majeure). First of all i started to do the mould design in Fusion.                                                                                                                    


Then i moved from design to manufacture and i started to setup my stock, it is 50 x 50 x 10 mm (x,y,z), and the final part is 30 x 30 x 5 mm.


After this i had to setup all the operations settings as tool, geometry, heights, passes and linking.

I generate the tool path and post processed.

Once everything was settled i started the most interesting part, the simulation!simulsimulll

  • During the simulation i noticed that i missed the 2D pocket and the 2D counter, so i added it to my project, but instead of the 2D pocket i used engrave because it’s better for the text. I had some issues with engrave because my tool was not the right one, so i just edit it and changed all the settings and finally it worked!


This is my g-code.

(T1 D=3 CR=0 – ZMIN=-8 – flat end mill)
(T8 D=25.4 CR=0 TAPER=30deg – ZMIN=-3.864 – chamfer mill)
G90 G94
G28 G91 Z0

T1 M6
S5820 M3
G0 X16.094 Y-15.529
G1 Z-0.7 F349.2
G18 G3 X15.794 Z-1 I-0.3 K0
G1 X14.891
G17 G2 X-15.481 Y-14.048 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.482
G3 X15.525 Y-12.568 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-11.087 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-9.606 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-8.126 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-6.645 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-5.164 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-3.684 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-2.203 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-0.722 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y0.759 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y2.239 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y3.72 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y5.201 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y6.681 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y8.162 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y9.643 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y11.123 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y12.604 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y14.085 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.476
G18 G3 X-15.775 Z-0.7 I0 K0.3
G0 Z3
X-16.098 Y-15.529
G1 Z-1.7 F349.2
G2 X-15.798 Z-2 I0.3 K0
G1 X-14.89
G17 G3 X15.482 Y-14.048 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.481
G2 X-15.525 Y-12.568 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-11.087 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-9.606 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-8.126 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-6.645 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-5.164 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-3.684 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-2.203 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-0.722 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y0.759 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y2.239 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y3.72 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y5.201 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y6.681 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y8.162 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y9.643 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y11.123 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y12.604 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y14.085 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.475
G18 G2 X15.776 Z-1.7 I0 K0.3
G0 Z3
X16.094 Y-15.529
G1 Z-2.7 F349.2
G3 X15.794 Z-3 I-0.3 K0
G1 X14.891
G17 G2 X-15.481 Y-14.048 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.482
G3 X15.525 Y-12.568 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-11.087 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-9.606 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-8.126 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-6.645 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-5.164 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-3.684 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y-2.203 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y-0.722 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y0.759 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y2.239 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y3.72 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y5.201 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y6.681 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y8.162 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y9.643 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y11.123 I0 J0.74
G1 X-15.525
G2 X-15.525 Y12.604 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.525
G3 X15.525 Y14.085 I0 J0.74
G1 X15.476
G18 G3 X-15.775 Z-2.7 I0 K0.3
G0 Z3
G28 G91 Z0

T8 M6
S1620 M3
G0 X-11.891 Y4.686
G1 Z-3.001 F355.6
X-11.825 Y4.674 Z-3.11
X-11.841 Y4.659 Z-3.074
X-11.825 Y4.674 Z-3.11
X-11.808 Y4.68 Z-3.13
X-11.791 Y4.687 Z-3.144
X-11.778 Y4.689 Z-3.15
X-11.638 Y4.684 Z-3.159
X-11.448 Y4.68 Z-3.162
X-11.336 Y4.675 Z-3.164
X-11.259 Y4.67 Z-3.17
X-11.198 Y4.662 Z-3.178
X-11.141 Y4.653 Z-3.191
X-11.073 Y4.637 Z-3.213
X-10.988 Y4.614 Z-3.246
X-10.932 Y4.598 Z-3.272
X-10.91 Y4.589 Z-3.287
X-10.814 Y4.545 Z-3.359
X-10.74 Y4.508 Z-3.42
X-10.666 Y4.468 Z-3.487
X-10.586 Y4.42 Z-3.568
X-10.491 Y4.358 Z-3.673
X-10.336 Y4.25 Z-3.859
X-10.269 Y4.333 Z-3.717
X-10.222 Y4.387 Z-3.626
X-10.175 Y4.435 Z-3.545
X-10.128 Y4.475 Z-3.477
X-10.081 Y4.51 Z-3.42
X-10.018 Y4.551 Z-3.351
X-9.972 Y4.579 Z-3.306
X-9.929 Y4.6 Z-3.272
X-9.889 Y4.617 Z-3.247
X-9.856 Y4.627 Z-3.23
X-9.813 Y4.638 Z-3.216
X-9.77 Y4.644 Z-3.207
X-9.717 Y4.649 Z-3.202
X-9.655 Y4.652 Z-3.201
X-9.4 Y4.659 Z-3.199
X-9.017 Y4.665 Z-3.192
X-8.937 Y4.664 Z-3.194
X-8.885 Y4.666 Z-3.191
X-8.849 Y4.67 Z-3.183
X-8.829 Y4.675 Z-3.176
X-8.8 Y4.684 Z-3.158
X-8.779 Y4.689 Z-3.14
X-8.759 Y4.688 Z-3.114
X-8.682 Y4.676 Z-3.001
X-8.759 Y4.688 Z-3.114
X-8.779 Y4.689 Z-3.14
X-8.8 Y4.684 Z-3.158
X-8.829 Y4.675 Z-3.176
X-8.849 Y4.67 Z-3.183
X-8.885 Y4.666 Z-3.191
X-8.937 Y4.664 Z-3.194
X-9.017 Y4.665 Z-3.192
X-9.4 Y4.659 Z-3.199
X-9.655 Y4.652 Z-3.201
X-9.717 Y4.649 Z-3.202
X-9.77 Y4.644 Z-3.207
X-9.813 Y4.638 Z-3.216
X-9.856 Y4.627 Z-3.23
X-9.889 Y4.617 Z-3.247
X-9.929 Y4.6 Z-3.272
X-9.972 Y4.579 Z-3.306
X-10.018 Y4.551 Z-3.351
X-10.081 Y4.51 Z-3.42
X-10.128 Y4.475 Z-3.477
X-10.175 Y4.435 Z-3.545
X-10.222 Y4.387 Z-3.626
X-10.269 Y4.333 Z-3.717
X-10.336 Y4.25 Z-3.859
X-10.315 Y4.184 Z-3.856
X-10.311 Y4.173 Z-3.855
X-10.224 Y3.91 Z-3.845
X-9.845 Y2.82 Z-3.832
X-9.446 Y1.676 Z-3.826
X-9.119 Y0.738 Z-3.82
X-8.848 Y-0.045 Z-3.814
X-8.671 Y-0.564
X-8.612 Y-0.737 Z-3.816
X-8.594 Y-0.778 Z-3.822
X-8.574 Y-0.82 Z-3.832
X-8.553 Y-0.861 Z-3.845
X-8.527 Y-0.905 Z-3.864
X-8.521 Y-1.487 Z-3.559
X-8.522 Y-1.729 Z-3.439
X-8.519 Y-1.86 Z-3.368
X-8.514 Y-1.956 Z-3.311
X-8.506 Y-2.053 Z-3.249
X-8.493 Y-2.155 Z-3.177
X-8.481 Y-2.246 Z-3.106
X-8.483 Y-2.26 Z-3.09
X-8.494 Y-2.302 Z-3.032
X-8.501 Y-2.323 Z-3.001
X-8.494 Y-2.302 Z-3.032
X-8.483 Y-2.26 Z-3.09
X-8.481 Y-2.246 Z-3.106
X-8.493 Y-2.155 Z-3.177
X-8.506 Y-2.053 Z-3.249
X-8.514 Y-1.956 Z-3.311
X-8.519 Y-1.86 Z-3.368
X-8.522 Y-1.729 Z-3.439
X-8.521 Y-1.487 Z-3.559
X-8.527 Y-0.905 Z-3.864
X-8.434 Y-0.878 Z-3.725
X-8.351 Y-0.848 Z-3.602
X-8.276 Y-0.815 Z-3.497
X-8.221 Y-0.784 Z-3.422
X-8.174 Y-0.752 Z-3.36
X-8.133 Y-0.717 Z-3.311
X-8.099 Y-0.68 Z-3.274
X-8.073 Y-0.64 Z-3.251
X-8.061 Y-0.616 Z-3.243
X-8.051 Y-0.591 Z-3.24
X-7.847 Y0.005 Z-3.22
X-7.698 Y0.436 Z-3.211
X-7.548 Y0.865 Z-3.205
X-7.343 Y1.45 Z-3.204
X-7.172 Y1.939 Z-3.209
X-6.987 Y2.471 Z-3.221
X-6.801 Y3.013 Z-3.239
X-6.638 Y3.496 Z-3.26
X-6.422 Y4.139 Z-3.295
X-6.391 Y4.224 Z-3.304
X-6.355 Y4.313 Z-3.32
X-6.344 Y4.341 Z-3.328
X-6.334 Y4.373 Z-3.343
X-6.326 Y4.406 Z-3.363
X-6.32 Y4.441 Z-3.389
X-6.314 Y4.494 Z-3.436
X-6.212 Y4.544 Z-3.35
X-6.157 Y4.569 Z-3.306
X-6.122 Y4.583 Z-3.282
X-6.079 Y4.595 Z-3.261
X-5.953 Y4.624 Z-3.214
X-5.868 Y4.641 Z-3.188
X-5.81 Y4.65 Z-3.174
X-5.729 Y4.659 Z-3.16
X-5.671 Y4.663 Z-3.154
X-5.59 Y4.667 Z-3.149
X-5.459 Y4.67 Z-3.147
X-5.358 Y4.673 Z-3.145
X-5.341 Y4.675 Z-3.138
X-5.329 Y4.676 Z-3.127
X-5.295 Z-3.079
X-5.242 Z-3.001
X-5.295 Z-3.079
X-5.329 Z-3.127
X-5.341 Y4.675 Z-3.138
X-5.358 Y4.673 Z-3.145
X-5.459 Y4.67 Z-3.147
X-5.59 Y4.667 Z-3.149
X-5.671 Y4.663 Z-3.154
X-5.729 Y4.659 Z-3.16
X-5.81 Y4.65 Z-3.174
X-5.868 Y4.641 Z-3.188
X-5.953 Y4.624 Z-3.214
X-6.079 Y4.595 Z-3.261
X-6.122 Y4.583 Z-3.282
X-6.157 Y4.569 Z-3.306
X-6.212 Y4.544 Z-3.35
X-6.314 Y4.494 Z-3.436
X-6.421 Y4.557 Z-3.328
X-6.492 Y4.594 Z-3.265
X-6.55 Y4.62 Z-3.222
X-6.592 Y4.636 Z-3.196
X-6.629 Y4.647 Z-3.178
X-6.682 Y4.66 Z-3.159
X-6.729 Y4.667 Z-3.148
X-6.78 Y4.673 Z-3.142
X-6.833 Y4.675 Z-3.139
X-6.918 Z-3.14
X-7.188 Y4.67 Z-3.154
X-7.254 Z-3.158
X-7.294 Y4.667 Z-3.156
X-7.323 Y4.663 Z-3.149
X-7.344 Y4.656 Z-3.138
X-7.375 Y4.645 Z-3.114
X-7.379 Y4.644 Z-3.11
X-7.399 Y4.646 Z-3.08
X-7.451 Y4.656 Z-3.001
G0 Z0
X-4.057 Y1.845
G1 Z-3.404 F355.6
X-4.039 Y1.866 Z-3.394
X-3.943 Y1.964 Z-3.346
X-3.892 Y2.01 Z-3.323
X-3.84 Y2.053 Z-3.3
X-3.785 Y2.094 Z-3.278
X-3.729 Y2.132 Z-3.256
X-3.671 Y2.165 Z-3.237
X-3.611 Y2.195 Z-3.219
X-3.548 Y2.221 Z-3.203
X-3.482 Y2.245 Z-3.189
X-3.413 Y2.266 Z-3.177
X-3.315 Y2.29 Z-3.162
X-3.251 Y2.303 Z-3.155
X-3.123 Y2.324 Z-3.142
X-2.937 Y2.349 Z-3.127
X-2.902 Z-3.132
X-2.798 Y2.338 Z-3.134
X-2.686 Y2.324 Z-3.138
X-2.614 Y2.312 Z-3.144
X-2.54 Y2.297 Z-3.152
X-2.454 Y2.273 Z-3.168
X-2.373 Y2.245 Z-3.188
X-2.325 Y2.225 Z-3.204
X-2.242 Y2.184 Z-3.234
X-2.161 Y2.137 Z-3.267
X-2.087 Y2.087 Z-3.297
X-2.016 Y2.033 Z-3.325
X-1.983 Y2.006 Z-3.337
X-1.95 Y1.978 Z-3.348
X-1.909 Y1.937 Z-3.368
X-1.82 Y1.835 Z-3.422
X-1.732 Y1.726 Z-3.472
X-1.643 Y1.611 Z-3.522
X-1.572 Y1.514 Z-3.565
X-1.501 Y1.391 Z-3.596
X-1.421 Y1.24 Z-3.638
X-1.375 Y1.143 Z-3.666
X-1.325 Y1.025 Z-3.7
X-1.284 Y0.91 Z-3.73
X-1.252 Y0.803 Z-3.753
X-1.227 Y0.693 Z-3.771
X-1.207 Y0.574 Z-3.784
X-1.191 Y0.446 Z-3.794
X-1.176 Y0.277 Z-3.804
X-1.165 Y0.088 Z-3.812
X-1.163 Y0.031
X-1.172 Y-0.208 Z-3.79
X-1.183 Y-0.371 Z-3.771
X-1.193 Y-0.468 Z-3.758
X-1.209 Y-0.586 Z-3.737
X-1.229 Y-0.695 Z-3.711
X-1.256 Y-0.805 Z-3.679
X-1.293 Y-0.922 Z-3.639
X-1.339 Y-1.046 Z-3.593
X-1.395 Y-1.176 Z-3.545
X-1.441 Y-1.273 Z-3.511
X-1.503 Y-1.389 Z-3.476
X-1.52 Y-1.419 Z-3.468
X-1.577 Y-1.496 Z-3.432
X-1.658 Y-1.596 Z-3.393
X-1.745 Y-1.689 Z-3.362
X-1.836 Y-1.774 Z-3.34
X-1.932 Y-1.85 Z-3.322
X-2.034 Y-1.918 Z-3.306
X-2.129 Y-1.97 Z-3.289
X-2.142 Y-1.977 Z-3.287
X-2.258 Y-2.028 Z-3.264
X-2.383 Y-2.074 Z-3.236
X-2.515 Y-2.116 Z-3.205
X-2.714 Y-2.17 Z-3.154
X-2.834 Y-2.2 Z-3.123
X-2.862 Y-2.204 Z-3.121
X-2.87 Y-2.203
X-3.085 Y-2.178 Z-3.129
X-3.185 Y-2.162 Z-3.136
X-3.29 Y-2.14 Z-3.147
X-3.389 Y-2.114 Z-3.163
X-3.447 Y-2.095 Z-3.175
X-3.513 Y-2.069 Z-3.192
X-3.577 Y-2.039 Z-3.211
X-3.639 Y-2.006 Z-3.232
X-3.693 Y-1.973 Z-3.251
X-3.745 Y-1.938 Z-3.27
X-3.79 Y-1.905 Z-3.288
X-3.86 Y-1.849 Z-3.315
X-3.957 Y-1.763 Z-3.352
X-4.015 Y-1.707 Z-3.373
X-4.035 Y-1.687 Z-3.38
X-4.069 Y-1.65 Z-3.397
X-4.16 Y-1.534 Z-3.456
X-4.278 Y-1.378 Z-3.535
X-4.34 Y-1.271 Z-3.565
X-4.412 Y-1.139 Z-3.604
X-4.479 Y-1.003 Z-3.645
X-4.528 Y-0.889 Z-3.68
X-4.57 Y-0.774 Z-3.712
X-4.603 Y-0.665 Z-3.738
X-4.628 Y-0.553 Z-3.758
X-4.647 Y-0.438 Z-3.774
X-4.663 Y-0.31 Z-3.786
X-4.676 Y-0.169 Z-3.797
X-4.69 Y0.066 Z-3.811
Y0.089 Z-3.813
X-4.676 Y0.351 Z-3.802
X-4.662 Y0.512 Z-3.792
X-4.65 Y0.614 Z-3.784
X-4.63 Y0.732 Z-3.772
X-4.606 Y0.84 Z-3.755
X-4.575 Y0.946 Z-3.733
X-4.534 Y1.058 Z-3.704
X-4.484 Y1.179 Z-3.669
X-4.424 Y1.306 Z-3.629
X-4.322 Y1.507 Z-3.561
X-4.302 Y1.545 Z-3.549
X-4.278 Y1.58 Z-3.528
X-4.231 Y1.641 Z-3.499
X-4.129 Y1.764 Z-3.442
X-4.057 Y1.845 Z-3.404
G0 Z0
X-0.171 Y2.286
G1 Z-3.001 F355.6
X-0.095 Y2.28 Z-3.124
X-0.11 Y2.262 Z-3.085
X-0.095 Y2.28 Z-3.124
X-0.092 Y2.281 Z-3.126
X-0.085 Y2.282 Z-3.128
X0.015 Y2.277 Z-3.137
X0.108 Y2.275 Z-3.138
X0.234 Y2.272 Z-3.142
X0.296 Y2.265 Z-3.153
X0.341 Y2.257 Z-3.167
X0.371 Y2.245 Z-3.187
X0.401 Y2.229 Z-3.215
X0.479 Y2.178 Z-3.301
X0.568 Y2.118 Z-3.405
X0.637 Y2.066 Z-3.493
X0.71 Y2.007 Z-3.594
X0.794 Y1.934 Z-3.72
X0.892 Y2.024 Z-3.564
X0.998 Y2.114 Z-3.406
X1.054 Y2.16 Z-3.325
X1.087 Y2.185 Z-3.282
X1.12 Y2.205 Z-3.246
X1.174 Y2.228 Z-3.207
X1.229 Y2.247 Z-3.173
X1.27 Y2.257 Z-3.154
X1.309 Y2.264 Z-3.142
X1.346 Y2.268 Z-3.136
X1.401 Y2.273 Z-3.135
X1.448 Y2.274 Z-3.137
X1.522 Z-3.141
X1.572 Y2.276 Z-3.14
X1.613 Y2.28 Z-3.135
X1.644 Y2.284 Z-3.125
X1.666 Y2.286 Z-3.112
X1.682 Y2.284 Z-3.097
X1.718 Y2.276 Z-3.053
X1.757 Y2.266 Z-3.002
X1.718 Y2.276 Z-3.053
X1.682 Y2.284 Z-3.097
X1.666 Y2.286 Z-3.112
X1.644 Y2.284 Z-3.125
X1.613 Y2.28 Z-3.135
X1.572 Y2.276 Z-3.14
X1.522 Y2.274 Z-3.141
X1.448 Z-3.137
X1.401 Y2.273 Z-3.135
X1.346 Y2.268 Z-3.136
X1.309 Y2.264 Z-3.142
X1.27 Y2.257 Z-3.154
X1.229 Y2.247 Z-3.173
X1.174 Y2.228 Z-3.207
X1.12 Y2.205 Z-3.246
X1.087 Y2.185 Z-3.282
X1.054 Y2.16 Z-3.325
X0.998 Y2.114 Z-3.406
X0.892 Y2.024 Z-3.564
X0.794 Y1.934 Z-3.72
X0.795 Y1.915 Z-3.718
X0.796 Y1.847 Z-3.712
X0.797 Y1.764 Z-3.711
X0.795 Y1.615 Z-3.717
X0.794 Y-1.759 Z-3.719
X0.701 Y-1.862 Z-3.559
X0.634 Y-1.924 Z-3.453
X0.572 Y-1.976 Z-3.365
X0.503 Y-2.027 Z-3.277
X0.494 Y-2.034 Z-3.266
X0.46 Y-2.055 Z-3.23
X0.407 Y-2.079 Z-3.19
X0.368 Y-2.092 Z-3.167
X0.335 Y-2.101 Z-3.154
X0.3 Y-2.107 Z-3.144
X0.265 Y-2.11 Z-3.139
X0.219 Y-2.112 Z-3.136
X0.102 Y-2.114 Z-3.135
X0.041 Y-2.118 Z-3.13
X-0.002 Y-2.122 Z-3.123
X-0.05 Y-2.131 Z-3.11
X-0.087 Y-2.139 Z-3.095
X-0.108 Y-2.141 Z-3.081
X-0.124 Y-2.138 Z-3.063
X-0.161 Y-2.127 Z-3.014
X-0.17 Y-2.124 Z-3.002
X-0.161 Y-2.127 Z-3.014
X-0.124 Y-2.138 Z-3.063
X-0.108 Y-2.141 Z-3.081
X-0.087 Y-2.139 Z-3.095
X-0.05 Y-2.131 Z-3.11
X-0.002 Y-2.122 Z-3.123
X0.041 Y-2.118 Z-3.13
X0.102 Y-2.114 Z-3.135
X0.219 Y-2.112 Z-3.136
X0.265 Y-2.11 Z-3.139
X0.3 Y-2.107 Z-3.144
X0.335 Y-2.101 Z-3.154
X0.368 Y-2.092 Z-3.167
X0.407 Y-2.079 Z-3.19
X0.46 Y-2.055 Z-3.23
X0.494 Y-2.034 Z-3.266
X0.503 Y-2.027 Z-3.277
X0.572 Y-1.976 Z-3.365
X0.634 Y-1.924 Z-3.453
X0.701 Y-1.862 Z-3.559
X0.794 Y-1.769 Z-3.719
X1.036 Y-2.014 Z-3.3
X1.07 Y-2.045 Z-3.247
X1.104 Y-2.069 Z-3.205
X1.138 Y-2.087 Z-3.176
X1.172 Y-2.098 Z-3.158
X1.206 Y-2.102 Z-3.152
X1.667 Y-2.109 Z-3.149
X2.198 Y-2.113 Z-3.151
X2.316 Y-2.111 Z-3.157
X2.435 Y-2.107 Z-3.167
X2.554 Y-2.1 Z-3.182
X2.676 Y-2.09 Z-3.204
X2.797 Y-2.076 Z-3.233
X2.918 Y-2.059 Z-3.267
X3.1 Y-2.028 Z-3.323
X3.23 Y-2.006 Z-3.369
X3.263 Y-1.998 Z-3.385
X3.295 Y-1.988 Z-3.405
X3.337 Y-1.971 Z-3.438
X3.376 Y-1.955 Z-3.473
X3.496 Y-2.096 Z-3.257
X3.583 Y-2.183 Z-3.1
X3.638 Y-2.233 Z-3.001
X3.583 Y-2.183 Z-3.1
X3.496 Y-2.096 Z-3.257
X3.376 Y-1.955 Z-3.473
X3.426 Y-1.81 Z-3.393
X3.454 Y-1.721 Z-3.349
X3.474 Y-1.644 Z-3.315
X3.491 Y-1.567 Z-3.287
X3.505 Y-1.489 Z-3.265
X3.515 Y-1.411 Z-3.248
X3.525 Y-1.317 Z-3.232
X3.528 Y-1.279 Z-3.227
X3.539 Y-1.164 Z-3.221
X3.542 Y-1.108 Z-3.215
X3.54 Y-1.072 Z-3.209
X3.535 Y-1.038 Z-3.199
X3.53 Y-1.012 Z-3.185
X3.524 Y-0.985 Z-3.164
X3.522 Y-0.964 Z-3.143
Y-0.938 Z-3.112
X3.527 Y-0.873 Z-3.026
X3.529 Y-0.855 Z-3.001
G0 Z0
X3.94 Y-2.124
G1 Z-3.002 F355.6
X3.999 Y-2.113 Z-3.1
X3.981 Y-2.092 Z-3.058
X3.999 Y-2.113 Z-3.1
X4.014 Y-2.12 Z-3.113
X4.027 Y-2.123 Z-3.118
X4.163 Y-2.13 Z-3.115
X4.276 Y-2.127 Z-3.125
X4.443 Y-2.123 Z-3.137
X4.463 Y-2.121 Z-3.141
X4.497 Y-2.116 Z-3.151
X4.53 Y-2.107 Z-3.167
X4.566 Y-2.094 Z-3.191
X4.616 Y-2.07 Z-3.232
X4.657 Y-2.042 Z-3.282
X4.739 Y-1.972 Z-3.402
X4.834 Y-1.887 Z-3.55
X4.934 Y-1.791 Z-3.717
X5.023 Y-1.876 Z-3.569
X5.076 Y-1.923 Z-3.488
X5.135 Y-1.971 Z-3.405
X5.187 Y-2.007 Z-3.342
X5.233 Y-2.036 Z-3.292
X5.281 Y-2.061 Z-3.249
X5.332 Y-2.083 Z-3.211
X5.379 Y-2.1 Z-3.181
X5.43 Y-2.117 Z-3.151
X5.47 Y-2.124 Z-3.139
X5.653 Y-2.13 Z-3.122
X5.787 Z-3.115
X5.901 Y-2.128 Z-3.109
X5.911 Y-2.127 Z-3.104
X5.938 Y-2.13 Z-3.063
X5.978 Y-2.134 Z-3.001
X5.938 Y-2.13 Z-3.063
X5.911 Y-2.127 Z-3.104
X5.901 Y-2.128 Z-3.109
X5.787 Y-2.13 Z-3.115
X5.653 Z-3.122
X5.47 Y-2.124 Z-3.139
X5.43 Y-2.117 Z-3.151
X5.379 Y-2.1 Z-3.181
X5.332 Y-2.083 Z-3.211
X5.281 Y-2.061 Z-3.249
X5.233 Y-2.036 Z-3.292
X5.187 Y-2.007 Z-3.342
X5.135 Y-1.971 Z-3.405
X5.076 Y-1.923 Z-3.488
X5.023 Y-1.876 Z-3.569
X4.934 Y-1.791 Z-3.717
Y0.066 Z-3.719
X4.937 Y0.136 Z-3.724
X4.934 Y0.206 Z-3.719
Y1.773 Z-3.718
X4.933 Y1.942 Z-3.719
X4.806 Y2.063 Z-3.508
X4.714 Y2.148 Z-3.36
X4.683 Y2.173 Z-3.318
X4.652 Y2.193 Z-3.282
X4.621 Y2.21 Z-3.254
X4.564 Y2.232 Z-3.216
X4.497 Y2.254 Z-3.177
X4.453 Y2.265 Z-3.157
X4.415 Y2.272 Z-3.144
X4.365 Y2.278 Z-3.132
X4.327 Y2.28 Z-3.128
X4.262 Y2.281 Z-3.124
X4.048 Y2.276 Z-3.12
X4.022 Z-3.115
X4.01 Y2.262 Z-3.085
X4.021 Y2.276 Z-3.115
X4.017 Y2.278 Z-3.109
X3.979 Y2.283 Z-3.048
X3.95 Y2.286 Z-3.001
X3.979 Y2.283 Z-3.048
X4.017 Y2.278 Z-3.109
X4.021 Y2.276 Z-3.115
X4.048 Z-3.12
X4.262 Y2.281 Z-3.124
X4.327 Y2.28 Z-3.128
X4.365 Y2.278 Z-3.132
X4.415 Y2.272 Z-3.144
X4.453 Y2.265 Z-3.157
X4.497 Y2.254 Z-3.177
X4.564 Y2.232 Z-3.216
X4.621 Y2.21 Z-3.254
X4.652 Y2.193 Z-3.282
X4.683 Y2.173 Z-3.318
X4.714 Y2.148 Z-3.36
X4.806 Y2.063 Z-3.508
X4.933 Y1.942 Z-3.719
X5.012 Y2.02 Z-3.584
X5.081 Y2.082 Z-3.477
X5.136 Y2.127 Z-3.4
X5.185 Y2.161 Z-3.341
X5.238 Y2.194 Z-3.284
X5.303 Y2.229 Z-3.223
X5.332 Y2.242 Z-3.2
X5.354 Y2.249 Z-3.187
X5.397 Y2.257 Z-3.172
X5.478 Y2.267 Z-3.152
X5.538 Y2.272 Z-3.142
X5.597 Y2.274 Z-3.136
X5.68 Y2.273 Z-3.133
X5.733 Y2.271
X5.932 Y2.247 Z-3.158
X6.064 Y2.226 Z-3.179
X6.174 Y2.204 Z-3.203
X6.197 Y2.199 Z-3.209
X6.263 Y2.183 Z-3.229
X6.354 Y2.155 Z-3.265
X6.41 Y2.129 Z-3.285
X6.476 Y2.095 Z-3.314
X6.538 Y2.057 Z-3.35
X6.601 Y2.013 Z-3.393
X6.666 Y1.961 Z-3.444
X6.745 Y1.888 Z-3.515
X6.787 Y1.842 Z-3.557
X6.841 Y1.776 Z-3.612
X6.877 Y1.721 Z-3.649
X6.9 Y1.675 Z-3.671
X6.923 Y1.614 Z-3.691
X6.947 Y1.53 Z-3.708
X6.97 Y1.424 Z-3.725
X6.994 Y1.29 Z-3.74
X7.001 Y1.234 Z-3.749
X6.995 Y1.181 Z-3.748
X6.976 Y1.074 Z-3.751
X6.959 Y1.002 Z-3.749
X6.943 Y0.949 Z-3.742
X6.923 Y0.902 Z-3.727
X6.909 Y0.873 Z-3.716
X6.88 Y0.817 Z-3.692
X6.826 Y0.726 Z-3.647
X6.778 Y0.652 Z-3.61
X6.701 Y0.564 Z-3.543
X6.631 Y0.492 Z-3.49
X6.56 Y0.427 Z-3.442
X6.488 Y0.37 Z-3.4
X6.413 Y0.32 Z-3.362
X6.334 Y0.278 Z-3.327
X6.248 Y0.242 Z-3.294
X6.156 Y0.212 Z-3.265
X6.096 Y0.196 Z-3.248
X6.01 Y0.177 Z-3.228
X5.908 Y0.161 Z-3.209
X5.796 Y0.147 Z-3.192
X5.691 Y0.141 Z-3.173
X5.55 Y0.138 Z-3.149
X5.409 Y0.139 Z-3.126
X5.349 Y0.136 Z-3.121
X5.335 Z-3.124
X5.32 Z-3.131
X5.306 Z-3.142
X5.291 Z-3.157
X5.257 Z-3.2
X5.217 Z-3.258
X5.109 Z-3.433
X4.937 Z-3.724
G0 Z0
X7.849 Y-2.144
G1 Z-3.001 F355.6
X7.901 Y-2.134 Z-3.08
X7.921 Y-2.131 Z-3.109
X7.938 Y-2.136 Z-3.123
X7.956 Y-2.139 Z-3.13
X7.98 Y-2.141 Z-3.133
X8.046 Y-2.14 Z-3.129
X8.128 Y-2.139
X8.196 Y-2.136 Z-3.134
X8.266 Y-2.13 Z-3.144
X8.35 Y-2.119 Z-3.163
X8.396 Y-2.109 Z-3.178
X8.426 Y-2.098 Z-3.198
X8.456 Y-2.081 Z-3.227
X8.535 Y-2.03 Z-3.314
X8.595 Y-1.988 Z-3.386
X8.665 Y-1.933 Z-3.481
X8.735 Y-1.872 Z-3.586
X8.814 Y-1.796 Z-3.717
X9.054 Y-2.034 Z-3.303
X9.089 Y-2.065 Z-3.248
X9.124 Y-2.09 Z-3.206
X9.159 Y-2.107 Z-3.175
X9.193 Y-2.117 Z-3.157
X9.228 Y-2.121 Z-3.151
X9.736 Y-2.119 Z-3.149
X9.96 Y-2.117 Z-3.151
X10.172 Y-2.115 Z-3.161
X10.391 Y-2.111 Z-3.175
X10.61 Y-2.104 Z-3.194
X10.973 Y-2.088 Z-3.233
X11.011 Y-2.083 Z-3.242
X11.049 Y-2.074 Z-3.26
X11.202 Y-2.023 Z-3.352
X11.312 Y-1.984 Z-3.424
X11.35 Y-1.969 Z-3.45
X11.47 Y-2.091 Z-3.243
X11.565 Y-2.183 Z-3.087
X11.618 Y-2.234 Z-3.001
X11.565 Y-2.183 Z-3.087
X11.47 Y-2.091 Z-3.243
X11.35 Y-1.969 Z-3.45
X11.378 Y-1.903 Z-3.403
X11.405 Y-1.832 Z-3.358
X11.425 Y-1.773 Z-3.325
X11.442 Y-1.717 Z-3.297
X11.457 Y-1.662 Z-3.274
X11.469 Y-1.608 Z-3.254
X11.487 Y-1.511 Z-3.226
X11.498 Y-1.433 Z-3.209
X11.508 Y-1.347 Z-3.196
X11.517 Y-1.26 Z-3.191
X11.526 Y-1.164 Z-3.189
X11.534 Y-1.05 Z-3.188
X11.535 Y-1.002 Z-3.184
X11.533 Y-0.978 Z-3.178
X11.53 Y-0.964 Z-3.169
X11.524 Y-0.941 Z-3.15
X11.527 Y-0.915 Z-3.11
X11.538 Y-0.845 Z-3.001
X11.527 Y-0.915 Z-3.11
X11.524 Y-0.941 Z-3.15
X11.53 Y-0.964 Z-3.169
X11.533 Y-0.978 Z-3.178
X11.535 Y-1.002 Z-3.184
X11.534 Y-1.05 Z-3.188
X11.526 Y-1.164 Z-3.189
X11.517 Y-1.26 Z-3.191
X11.508 Y-1.347 Z-3.196
X11.498 Y-1.433 Z-3.209
X11.487 Y-1.511 Z-3.226
X11.469 Y-1.608 Z-3.254
X11.457 Y-1.662 Z-3.274
X11.442 Y-1.717 Z-3.297
X11.425 Y-1.773 Z-3.325
X11.405 Y-1.832 Z-3.358
X11.378 Y-1.903 Z-3.403
X11.35 Y-1.969 Z-3.45
X11.312 Y-1.984 Z-3.424
X11.202 Y-2.023 Z-3.352
X11.049 Y-2.074 Z-3.26
X11.011 Y-2.083 Z-3.242
X10.973 Y-2.088 Z-3.233
X10.61 Y-2.104 Z-3.194
X10.391 Y-2.111 Z-3.175
X10.172 Y-2.115 Z-3.161
X9.96 Y-2.117 Z-3.151
X9.736 Y-2.119 Z-3.149
X9.228 Y-2.121 Z-3.151
X9.193 Y-2.117 Z-3.157
X9.159 Y-2.107 Z-3.175
X9.124 Y-2.09 Z-3.206
X9.089 Y-2.065 Z-3.248
X9.054 Y-2.034 Z-3.303
X8.814 Y-1.796 Z-3.717
Y0.126 Z-3.719
X8.815 Y0.168 Z-3.721
X8.818 Y0.211 Z-3.726
X9.044 Z-3.352
X9.093 Z-3.277
X9.133 Z-3.221
X9.184 Z-3.166
X9.199 Z-3.156
X9.214 Z-3.149
X9.229 Z-3.147
X9.535 Z-3.145
X9.672 Z-3.143
X9.752 Y0.212 Z-3.146
X9.823 Z-3.152
X9.894 Z-3.164
X9.966 Y0.211 Z-3.181
X10.041 Z-3.206
X10.116 Z-3.237
X10.211 Y0.209 Z-3.284
X10.337 Y0.208 Z-3.353
X10.364 Y0.209 Z-3.373
X10.409 Y0.21 Z-3.415
X10.419 Y0.232 Z-3.397
X10.442 Y0.297 Z-3.358
X10.478 Y0.41 Z-3.298
X10.499 Y0.485 Z-3.264
X10.514 Y0.548 Z-3.241
X10.527 Y0.612 Z-3.222
X10.537 Y0.675 Z-3.209
X10.545 Y0.726 Z-3.202
X10.556 Y0.817 Z-3.195
X10.565 Y0.94 Z-3.19
X10.569 Y1.028 Z-3.188
X10.573 Y1.082 Z-3.184
X10.578 Y1.11 Z-3.177
X10.582 Y1.131 Z-3.166
X10.587 Y1.152 Z-3.149
Y1.166 Z-3.129
X10.583 Y1.217 Z-3.057
X10.579 Y1.255 Z-3.001
X10.583 Y1.217 Z-3.057
X10.587 Y1.166 Z-3.129
Y1.152 Z-3.149
X10.582 Y1.131 Z-3.166
X10.578 Y1.11 Z-3.177
X10.573 Y1.082 Z-3.184
X10.569 Y1.028 Z-3.188
X10.565 Y0.94 Z-3.19
X10.556 Y0.817 Z-3.195
X10.545 Y0.726 Z-3.202
X10.537 Y0.675 Z-3.209
X10.527 Y0.612 Z-3.222
X10.514 Y0.548 Z-3.241
X10.499 Y0.485 Z-3.264
X10.478 Y0.41 Z-3.298
X10.442 Y0.297 Z-3.358
X10.419 Y0.232 Z-3.397
X10.409 Y0.21 Z-3.415
X10.417 Y0.195 Z-3.402
X10.432 Y0.157 Z-3.374
X10.451 Y0.099 Z-3.343
X10.487 Y-0.026 Z-3.282
X10.507 Y-0.106 Z-3.25
X10.519 Y-0.158 Z-3.232
X10.531 Y-0.223 Z-3.215
X10.542 Y-0.294 Z-3.201
X10.553 Y-0.376 Z-3.192
X10.562 Y-0.469 Z-3.186
X10.574 Y-0.608 Z-3.184
X10.581 Y-0.696 Z-3.185
X10.585 Y-0.723 Z-3.18
X10.588 Y-0.744 Z-3.173
X10.594 Y-0.762 Z-3.161
X10.6 Y-0.778 Z-3.146
X10.595 Y-0.822 Z-3.081
X10.589 Y-0.873 Z-3.001
X10.595 Y-0.822 Z-3.081
X10.6 Y-0.778 Z-3.146
X10.594 Y-0.762 Z-3.161
X10.588 Y-0.744 Z-3.173
X10.585 Y-0.723 Z-3.18
X10.581 Y-0.696 Z-3.185
X10.574 Y-0.608 Z-3.184
X10.562 Y-0.469 Z-3.186
X10.553 Y-0.376 Z-3.192
X10.542 Y-0.294 Z-3.201
X10.531 Y-0.223 Z-3.215
X10.519 Y-0.158 Z-3.232
X10.507 Y-0.106 Z-3.25
X10.487 Y-0.026 Z-3.282
X10.451 Y0.099 Z-3.343
X10.432 Y0.157 Z-3.374
X10.417 Y0.195 Z-3.402
X10.409 Y0.21 Z-3.415
X10.364 Y0.209 Z-3.373
X10.337 Y0.208 Z-3.353
X10.211 Y0.209 Z-3.284
X10.116 Y0.211 Z-3.237
X10.041 Z-3.206
X9.966 Z-3.181
X9.894 Y0.212 Z-3.164
X9.823 Z-3.152
X9.752 Z-3.146
X9.672 Y0.211 Z-3.143
X9.535 Z-3.145
X9.229 Z-3.147
X9.214 Z-3.149
X9.199 Z-3.156
X9.184 Z-3.166
X9.133 Z-3.221
X9.093 Z-3.277
X9.044 Z-3.352
X8.818 Z-3.726
X8.815 Y0.253 Z-3.721
X8.814 Y0.296 Z-3.719
Y1.76 Z-3.717
X8.817 Y1.879 Z-3.713
X8.816 Y1.934 Z-3.714
X8.729 Y2.014 Z-3.574
X8.652 Y2.079 Z-3.463
X8.585 Y2.13 Z-3.375
X8.518 Y2.177 Z-3.295
X8.438 Y2.232 Z-3.213
X8.423 Y2.241 Z-3.199
X8.385 Y2.257 Z-3.171
X8.347 Y2.265 Z-3.158
X8.239 Y2.275 Z-3.14
X8.161 Y2.28 Z-3.132
X8.082 Y2.281 Z-3.129
X7.939 Y2.28 Z-3.127
X7.929 Y2.293 Z-3.1
X7.939 Y2.28 Z-3.127
X7.934 Y2.277 Z-3.12
X7.877 Y2.276 Z-3.03
X7.859 Z-3.001
X7.877 Z-3.03
X7.934 Y2.277 Z-3.12
X7.924 Y2.264 Z-3.093
X7.934 Y2.277 Z-3.12
X7.939 Y2.28 Z-3.127
X8.082 Y2.281 Z-3.129
X8.161 Y2.28 Z-3.132
X8.239 Y2.275 Z-3.14
X8.347 Y2.265 Z-3.158
X8.385 Y2.257 Z-3.171
X8.423 Y2.241 Z-3.199
X8.438 Y2.232 Z-3.213
X8.518 Y2.177 Z-3.295
X8.585 Y2.13 Z-3.375
X8.652 Y2.079 Z-3.463
X8.729 Y2.014 Z-3.574
X8.816 Y1.934 Z-3.714
X9.063 Y2.184 Z-3.289
X9.104 Y2.217 Z-3.233
X9.125 Y2.23 Z-3.212
X9.145 Y2.241 Z-3.194
X9.166 Y2.249 Z-3.18
X9.187 Y2.255 Z-3.171
X9.207 Y2.259 Z-3.165
X9.229 Y2.26 Z-3.163
X9.29 Y2.261 Z-3.165
X10.178 Y2.26 Z-3.166
X10.312 Y2.256 Z-3.172
X10.446 Y2.251 Z-3.183
X10.58 Y2.242 Z-3.197
X10.8 Y2.225 Z-3.227
X10.831 Y2.221 Z-3.234
X10.862 Y2.213 Z-3.248
X11.034 Y2.156 Z-3.347
X11.128 Y2.123 Z-3.406
X11.171 Y2.108 Z-3.435
X11.275 Y2.226 Z-3.239
X11.376 Y2.34 Z-3.057
X11.408 Y2.375 Z-3.001
X11.376 Y2.34 Z-3.057
X11.275 Y2.226 Z-3.239
X11.171 Y2.108 Z-3.435
X11.214 Y2.019 Z-3.377
X11.243 Y1.95 Z-3.338
X11.271 Y1.877 Z-3.303
X11.284 Y1.841 Z-3.287
X11.309 Y1.756 Z-3.256
X11.325 Y1.694 Z-3.238
X11.346 Y1.602 Z-3.216
X11.363 Y1.507 Z-3.2
X11.38 Y1.398 Z-3.185
X11.402 Y1.24 Z-3.17
X11.411 Y1.176 Z-3.167
X11.417 Y1.139 Z-3.159
X11.422 Y1.118 Z-3.15
X11.43 Y1.102 Z-3.137
X11.439 Y1.082 Z-3.116
Y1.007 Z-3.001
G0 Z0
G28 G91 Z0

(2D Contour2)
T1 M6
S5820 M3
G0 X-0.3 Y17.662
G1 Z-2 F30
G19 G2 Y17.362 Z-8 J-0.3 K0 F349.2
G1 Y17.062
G17 G3 X0 Y16.762 I0.3 J0
G1 X12.266
X12.351 Y16.76
X12.694 Y16.74
X12.78 Y16.733
X12.865 Y16.721
X13.202 Y16.662
X13.287 Y16.645
X13.37 Y16.623
X13.698 Y16.526
X13.78 Y16.5
X13.86 Y16.469
X14.175 Y16.335
X14.253 Y16.3
X14.329 Y16.26
X14.627 Y16.091
X14.701 Y16.047
X14.771 Y15.998
X15.048 Y15.797
X15.116 Y15.744
X15.181 Y15.688
X15.433 Y15.456
X15.494 Y15.396
X15.552 Y15.333
X15.776 Y15.074
X15.831 Y15.007
X15.881 Y14.938
X16.074 Y14.655
X16.12 Y14.583
X16.162 Y14.508
X16.321 Y14.205
X16.359 Y14.128
X16.392 Y14.048
X16.516 Y13.729
X16.545 Y13.648
X16.569 Y13.566
X16.655 Y13.234
X16.674 Y13.151
X16.689 Y13.066
X16.737 Y12.727
X16.75 Y12.579
X16.761 Y12.328
X16.762 Y12.266
X16.76 Y-12.351
X16.74 Y-12.694
X16.733 Y-12.78
X16.721 Y-12.865
X16.662 Y-13.202
X16.645 Y-13.287
X16.623 Y-13.37
X16.526 Y-13.698
X16.5 Y-13.78
X16.469 Y-13.86
X16.335 Y-14.175
X16.3 Y-14.253
X16.26 Y-14.329
X16.091 Y-14.627
X16.047 Y-14.701
X15.998 Y-14.771
X15.797 Y-15.048
X15.744 Y-15.116
X15.688 Y-15.181
X15.456 Y-15.433
X15.396 Y-15.494
X15.333 Y-15.552
X15.074 Y-15.776
X15.007 Y-15.831
X14.938 Y-15.881
X14.655 Y-16.074
X14.583 Y-16.12
X14.508 Y-16.162
X14.205 Y-16.321
X14.128 Y-16.359
X14.048 Y-16.392
X13.729 Y-16.516
X13.648 Y-16.545
X13.566 Y-16.569
X13.234 Y-16.655
X13.151 Y-16.674
X13.066 Y-16.689
X12.727 Y-16.737
X12.579 Y-16.75
X12.328 Y-16.761
X12.266 Y-16.762
X-12.351 Y-16.76
X-12.694 Y-16.74
X-12.78 Y-16.733
X-12.865 Y-16.721
X-13.202 Y-16.662
X-13.287 Y-16.645
X-13.37 Y-16.623
X-13.698 Y-16.526
X-13.78 Y-16.5
X-13.86 Y-16.469
X-14.175 Y-16.335
X-14.253 Y-16.3
X-14.329 Y-16.26
X-14.627 Y-16.091
X-14.701 Y-16.047
X-14.771 Y-15.998
X-15.048 Y-15.797
X-15.116 Y-15.744
X-15.181 Y-15.688
X-15.433 Y-15.456
X-15.494 Y-15.396
X-15.552 Y-15.333
X-15.776 Y-15.074
X-15.831 Y-15.007
X-15.881 Y-14.938
X-16.074 Y-14.655
X-16.12 Y-14.583
X-16.162 Y-14.508
X-16.321 Y-14.205
X-16.359 Y-14.128
X-16.392 Y-14.048
X-16.516 Y-13.729
X-16.545 Y-13.648
X-16.569 Y-13.566
X-16.655 Y-13.234
X-16.674 Y-13.151
X-16.689 Y-13.066
X-16.737 Y-12.727
X-16.75 Y-12.579
X-16.761 Y-12.328
X-16.762 Y-12.266
X-16.76 Y12.351
X-16.74 Y12.694
X-16.733 Y12.78
X-16.721 Y12.865
X-16.662 Y13.202
X-16.645 Y13.287
X-16.623 Y13.37
X-16.526 Y13.698
X-16.5 Y13.78
X-16.469 Y13.86
X-16.335 Y14.175
X-16.3 Y14.253
X-16.26 Y14.329
X-16.091 Y14.627
X-16.047 Y14.701
X-15.998 Y14.771
X-15.797 Y15.048
X-15.744 Y15.116
X-15.688 Y15.181
X-15.456 Y15.433
X-15.396 Y15.494
X-15.333 Y15.552
X-15.074 Y15.776
X-15.007 Y15.831
X-14.938 Y15.881
X-14.655 Y16.074
X-14.583 Y16.12
X-14.508 Y16.162
X-14.205 Y16.321
X-14.128 Y16.359
X-14.048 Y16.392
X-13.729 Y16.516
X-13.648 Y16.545
X-13.566 Y16.569
X-13.234 Y16.655
X-13.151 Y16.674
X-13.066 Y16.689
X-12.727 Y16.737
X-12.579 Y16.75
X-12.328 Y16.761
X-12.266 Y16.762
G3 X0.3 Y17.062 I0 J0.3
G1 Y17.362
G19 G3 Y17.662 Z-7.7 J0 K0.3
G0 Z0
G28 G91 Z0
G28 G91 X0 Y0

Week 2 – Computer-aided design

In this second lesson we were asked to improve our skills with CAD, especially with Fusion 360. CAD (computer-aided design) software is used by architects, engineers, designers, artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. CAD software can be used to create two-dimensional (2D) drawings or three-dimensional (3D) models.This was my first approach with Fusion 360, i have to say that i really like this CAD program, it is really useful and intuitive. The challenge for this week was to create a 6-sided die (10x10x10mm, R1mm fillets on all faces, D2mm holes 0.5mm deep) i have done it in 5 min. This is the final results!

During the following days i also modeled in Fusion the product for the DP403 module. It is basically a rack for small clothes made for our Fixpartner, click here for the full explanation of the Fixperts project.

CAD Drawings of the DP403 product.



3D Animations made in Fusion360

This animation shows how the product will be attached to the radiator.

These are some new version of the same product but with a different hang up solution, with my group mate Christy and John, we choose to use magnets, so i added magnets to it.


3D Animations of the new hang up.

I also have played with the “create a form” feature in Fusion. Basically “create a form” allows you to play with a solid form as it is a sculpture.

These are some good tutorials that i used for learn this feature.

I wanted to realize a lamp that i have drawn while i was in the uni, it was for the DP402 project, but it was really too complex to realize with the time that we had.

This is the sketch where i started from.


Fusion Lamp sketch.


I started to modify the shape.


I had to do 17 versions of it on fusion and i still didn’t finished.

17 versioni

This is the point where i am now, i will keep continue until i finish.


Indeed a project that i have completed with this techinque is the Windproof Lighter. In my imagination this lighter had to be in wood and with a metal foil where the fire is.

Lighter first sketch.


Simple shape sketch on Fusion.

Creating the form around the sketch.


That’s the final result, for this result i had to work on 22 version of the product.


Some renders made with the render feature on Fusion.



I have also added a text on the back of the image, i used illustrator for make the text and then i added it to the model.



Adobe Illustrator is a software application for creating drawings, illustrations, and artwork using a Windows or MacOS computer. Illustrator is widely used by graphic designers, web designers, visual artists, and professional illustrators throughout the world to create high quality artwork.

I had the chance to install illustrator because he’s been free for a while due to Covid-19, so i used it for make the text for my lighter and my website icon.

Lighter text.



Website icon.

volpe lab




Renders are something that always fascinated me, because when you have a good render in front of you, you almost can’t see the difference between a picture and a render.


KeyShot is a stand-alone, real-time ray tracing and global illumination program used to create 3D renderings, animations and interactive visuals. It has a simple user interface with drag-n-drop material and environment presets, interactive labeling, texture mapping, physical lighting, animation and much more.

I used the trial version of Keyshot for 14 days for this reason you will see the Keyshot text on the images, hopefully i will buy it soon because i really loved this software.

I have made a ball model on Fusion and then i moved the DWG file on Keyshot, the user interface is really intuitive so it was easy to play around with the features, materials, etc..

Nike ball render.


I also have done some render for my Windproof Lighter. I don’t know why when i rendered it on Fusion the metal foil was at his place, but with Keyshot it just messed up.




Some renders about the DP403 project.



Here some of my extra CAD model.

Week 3 – Computer-controlled cutting

Parametric design

Parametric design is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the expression of parameters and rules that, together, define, encode and clarify the relationship between design intent and design response.

Parametric design is a paradigm in design where the relationship between elements is used to manipulate and inform the design of complex geometries and structures.

The term parametric originates from mathematics (parametric equation) and refers to the use of certain parameters or variables that can be edited to manipulate or alter the end result of an equation or system. While today the term is used in reference to computational design systems, there are precedents for these modern systems in the works of architects such as Antoni Gaudí, who used analog models to explore design space.

This is a good tutorial for Fusion, about this topic.

The laser cutter




Easy to design <–> Strongest properties

  • Slot – simplest, hard to align

  • Chamfer – rounded corners help align parts, and can compress materials into slots (eg corrugated cardboard). But still relies on sliding friction

  • Bistable (bump and slot), behaves very differetly for different materials

  • Flexure – design a bendable part with controllable flex

  • Pinned – secure joint with an orthogonal constraint (see also wedged mortise and tenon)


  • Slop vs security (range is about 0.1mm)

  • Brittle material vs compressible material

  • Parametric design is your friend

3D shapes

Cutting mechanisms

  • burning

  • melting

  • evaporation

  • ablation

The material has to go somewhere, …


  • Exhaust – draws combustible material out. (Machine: Extractor)

  • Assist – injects air at the cutting point. (Machine: Compressor)

If it’s not strong enough, that material stays around – Bad news
You shouldn’t see smoke hanging around in laser cutting chamber
Exhaust fumes are very bad news
Plastic will outgas for a minute after cutting. Leave the lid closed for a minute


Some material is removed with the cut.
Some drivers (e.g. mods) allow for this, with offsetting.
Otherwise, you should allow for this in your design (parametrically!)


All laser cutters want to catch on fire
Card, MDF, plywood and acrylic are all really close to combusting when cutting.
Don’t step away from the machine. Always supervise.
Initial combustion: open the lid. Otherwise, smother or use the fire extinguisher.
Laser optics need to be kept clean, otherwise, heat can build up (so avoid smoke)

WIP: Check safety procedures



  • No PVC – releases chlorine

  • Never put a material into the cutter unless you know where it came from – no random plastic.

  • Never put anything shiny (e.g. metal) into a CO2 laser

Preparing artwork (for vector cutting)

  • 2D vector file (EPS or DXF)

  • Make the format as simple as possible

  • All shapes no fill, nd 0.001mm stroke

  • Laser origin is top left

How to use the laser cutter in the fablab

See Fab Academy docs here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kDd0A60eJdmJgIRt-zmAJwxszw0Gd61VXqHKnizv6hg/edit

Place material

  • Consider airflow

  • Alignment against the rulers

  • Support to distance the material from the bed

  • Flat surface – consistent z-height

Set origins and focus

  • Use laser pointer

  • Set x and y origins

  • Use focus tool to set z-origin

Settings for the fablab laser cutter (also instructions above machine)

  • Power – too much melts, too little doesn’t cut. Use multiple passes.

  • Speed – too slow can cause combustion, too slow doesn’t cut

  • Pulse rate/Frequency – too close can melt, too far apart can leave gaps

  • Coordinate system, origin is top left

  • Vector mode for cutting, raster mode for engraving (but interesting grey areas for experimentation)


  • Turn on the BOFA extractor (speed approx 330m3h)

  • Turn on the air compressor

Whilst it’s cutting

  • Always observe the cutting closely

After the cut

  • Leave the lid closed with the extractor on for 30 seconds

  • If you mess up the bed, clean it up – take it to the sink and carefully clean it without bending the sheet

Vinyl cutter

The vinyl cutter is an extremely quick and versatile tool. It can be used to cut:

here is a guide to use the vinyl cutter in the fablab

All these information are from our study material made by our tutor Derek Covill.

Pen Holder

I used parameters for create a simple pen holder in Fusion. First of all i started to draw the shape of my joint piece.


Then i added my parameters.


These are my 2 joints with parameters.

2 joint


I needed 8 piece for complete the shape that i wanted.

8 piece

This is how my Pen Holder look like.


Unfortunately i don’t have the chance to laser cut this project, but i have upload below my DP402 project that was laser cutted.

Another useful tutorial that i used.

DP402 Laser-cut

All my laser cut projects are inside my locker in the university, unfortunately i didn’t take picture to them so i will add the laser cut shelf made by my group mate for DP402 Kyle.



Laser-cut Poseable Person

Here a really interesting project and an example of joints made by Rob Ives.


laser piedi


Week 4 – Electronics production

The Basics

Electrical devices are powered by electricity (e.g. lights, kettle, fridge, toaster). Electronic devices use electrons in a clever way (e.g. to control a robot or  display like a TV).

Ohm’s law: Voltage (Volts) = Current (Amps) x Resistance (Ohms)

V = I x R

Note also that the power used by the circuit is also an important consideration, where Power (Watts) = Current (Amps) x Voltage (Ohms)

P = I x V

A good analogy to understand what these terms are. Voltage determines how much oomph you can get. The resistance indicates what is restricting the flow. The current is how much stuff is flowing.



  • breadboards – allow you to connect items up without solder

  • wires – conduct electricity (diameter matters)

  • resistors – resist flow of electricity

  • potentiometers – are resistors where the user can vary the resistance

  • capacitors – store energy (kind of like a battery) in an electric field. They store charge and tend to smooth out changes in current.

  • inductors – probably won’t need these just yet, but an inductor stores energy in a magnetic field when electric current flows through it.

  • buttons – like switches, but only make connection when pressing

  • switches – allow toggling between open circuit (no flow + no activity), and closed circuit (flow + activity)

  • diodes – only allow current to flow in one direction (where the arrow is pointing). Note that LEDs are Light Emitting Diodes – they are a type of diode.

  • batteries – they store energy (typically are 1.2, 1.5, 3, 3.7, 9, 12.6V)


There are 2 types of circuit:

series = inline

parallel = next door


Analog waves are smooth and continuous (e.g can vary anywhere between 0-1), digital waves are stepping, square, and discrete (e.g. are either 0-off, or 1-on).

Note that you can represent an analog signal digitally with PWM (pulse width modulation). This simply turns the signal ON and OFF in different amount to give an overall percentage ON.


Input devices

Input devices are things that allow you to input information to your circuit. They are also called sensors, because typically they sense something in the environment (e.g. temperature, humidity, light) and quantify how much of it there is in some way (e.g. temperature in Degrees Celcius, humidity as a % and light as light intensity or Lux). Some examples of input devices you can use in circuits are:

  • temperature: thermistor, thermocouple

  • light: LDR (light dependent resistor), or photodiode (more accurate)

  • distance: sonar sensor

And many others, e.g. magnetic field, acceleration, sound level, vibration, force, pressure, angle, image.

Some sensors are passive and can simply be plugged in and they change resistance with a change in property (e.g. LDR resistance changes as you change the amount of light). Other sensors are active which means they require their own circuit and power source.

Output devices

Output devices actually do something. These can be motors (DC, BLDC, servo, stepper), lights, speakers, solenoids, displays. Note that output devices sometimes need special drivers to make them work, and often the require quite a lot of power to operate and so might need a special (or separate) power source to operate.

All these information are from our study material made by our tutor Derek Covill.


Fritzing is an open-source initiative to develop amateur or hobby CAD software for the design of electronics hardware, to support designers and artists ready to move from experimenting with a prototype to building a more permanent circuit, and allows you to build/design a circuit in 3 formats: breadboard circuit, schematic and PCB layout.

This is my first approach with Fritzing, and here i create my first electronic circuit.



Simple LED circuit

I followed this tutorial for understand where to start with the circuit.

I then collegate the 470Ω resistor, to be fair i used the 1K resistor because i didn’t had the 470. After this i collegate the 5mm LED to the breadbord and at the end the battery clip collegate with the battery.

It worked!!