Get Involved
The University of Brighton UCU aims to have at least one representative in each school, if your school has no representative please consider volunteering.
UCU is always looking for members to get more involved you can contribute as much or as little time as you can spare.
There are many ways you can help
- Become a school representative
- Help out at new staff induction day stalls
- Attend branch committee meetings
- Train as a case worker, health and safety, green or equality representative
- Contribute to newletters or the website
- Stick up posters and distribute literature
- Ask your colleagues to join UCU
If you wish to get more involved please contact your local branch officers.
UCU nationally has a Developing Activists Network which contains resources and idea for how to get more involved.
The most important thing to know about your union is that YOU are the union. A union is only as strong, effective and powerful as the members who participate in its operation and activities. Together we are strong.
Union Structure and Democracy
Local and national policy is decided by the passing of motions at meetings – either local branch meetings or national meetings. Any member can bring a motion to a meeting. If you wish to bring a motion to a local meeting, it is advised that you contact a committee member to get support and advice on writing your motion to ensure it is in order.