IT Redundancies – Ballot Result
Industrial action ballot result
The result of Brighton UCU’s industrial action ballot was announced this afternoon. On a 60.3% turnout, the votes for strike action and for action short of strike (ASOS) were 70% and 90% respectively.
These majorities for action send a powerful message to the University about our collective determination to fight compulsory redundancies whenever and wherever they are threatened. The turnout easily exceeds the government-imposed threshold designed to make it difficult for trade unions to take action in defence of their members.
The Coordinating Committee would like to thank everyone who voted. This result hugely strengthens our position in our negotiations with University management.
As the present time, the University is still refusing to take the action necessary to resolve the dispute over the restructure of IT support. UCU has made it clear that nothing less than the withdrawal of the threat of compulsory redundancies from our members will end the dispute.
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