Recording a podcast session

Digital Learning Partnership project – podcasts

Top image: Recording of a podcast in the Sound Studio

The following four Projects Podcast episodes about the Digital Learning Partnership Projects have been hosted and produced by interns Phoebe Fields and Davina Twumasi who worked in the Learning and Teaching Hub in the summer of 2023.   These podcasts provide a snapshot of the projects that took place in 2022-23. Tune in to discover the power of collaborative initiatives and the impact of digital learning!

A Conversation with Catherine McConnell and Kevin Morton – Introduction to the Digital Learning Partnership Projects – Projects Podcast Episode 1

“Even if you don’t feel like you’re any kind of expert…or got a skillset in digital skills or technology… this project is very open and supportive for everyone”.

In this episode, we talk to Catherine McConnell, Head of Student Academic Success, (previously Principal Lecturer in the Learning and Teaching Hub) and Kevin Morton, Principal Lecturer, School of Sport and Health Sciences, leads on the Digital Learning Partnership Project at the University of Brighton. We explore the co-creation of projects between staff and students as they offer valuable insights into the project aims, goals, and transformative potential of partnership work. Catherine and Kevin share advice for those eager to embark on similar projects.

A Conversation with Sian Williams and Connor Thompson – Project Podcast Episode 2

Project title and brief: The MUG-HUB: Enthusing learning about Medicines Use through podcasts

The Medicines Use Group (MUG) wants to increase student access to and understanding of issues related to medicines use research and education through a regular podcast (MUG-HUB). This project will be helpful to all students of Pharmacy at the University of Brighton and will provide an opportunity to engage with cutting edge research and education around issues related to Pharmacy. The aim is to create a series of 30-60 minute podcasts and the student will help with both the selection of topics and the production of the podcasts.

“We need to rethink the way that we transmit information, and you know… get students involved in learning at University now…”.

In this episode, we talk to Sian Williams and Connor Thompson, Senior Lecturers in the School of Applied Sciences at the University of Brighton about their project which was part of the Digital Learning Partnership Project. We discover how they utilised the power of podcasts to enthuse learning among their students about all things pharmacy and create lifelong learners. They discuss the skills they developed, highlight their favourite aspects, and offer valuable advice to those interested in the Digital Learning Partnership Project.

Working project title and brief (for Projects Podcast Episodes 3 and 4) : Let’s QR the health and safety out of it!

The project requires multiple aspects of digital fluencies under two strands: setting up a QR code system and designing the relevant webpages (using WordPress). The two strands look at both physical health and safety such as machine safety as well as online digital safety. In collaboration with the Technical Services team as well as the Computing team, the student partner will populate, source, and evaluate (using student focus groups) applicable content, photos/videos or create their own to enhance their webpages so that it is of interest to the undergraduate students in the School of Education.

A Conversation with Lexie Rhys-Jones – Projects Podcast Episode 3

“I liked being able to look back at something that was… finished and something that I was proud of.  And presenting it and getting the feedback was really reassuring…”

In this episode, we talk to BA (Hons) Animation student Lexie Rhys-Jones about the project she worked on with Kayleigh Morley and Keith Turvey at the University of Brighton. Lexie shares her experience in co-producing a useful resource aimed at teachers in training at the School of Education about health and safety. Lexie reflects on the digital skills she gained and how they link back to her own academic and professional growth, highlighting what she enjoyed about the project and providing advice for students embarking on the Digital Learning Partnership Project.

A Conversation with Kayleigh Morley – Projects Podcasts Episode 4

“Just get involved… this is a good opportunity to learn new skills or if there is something you are not sure about then take it as an opportunity to really enhance and develop yourself”.

In this episode, we talk to Kayleigh Morley, Senior Technical Manager, School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering (formerly Technical Manager in the School of Education) at the University of Brighton, as she recounts her involvement in the digital learning project with BA (Hons) Animation student Lexie Rhys-Jones, co-producing a valuable resource designed for teachers in training in the School of Education, focusing on health and safety. Talking about the journey of creative collaboration and highlighting aspects of the project, Kayleigh also provides advice for staff and students interested in the Digital Learning Partnership Project.

digital learningPodcast

Emilie Hayter • October 3, 2023

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