Keynote talk:  Sonia Roschnik – Sustainable development in health: Small steps and big changes – Slides and Video

Oral Presentations:

Jennie Aronsson and Janet Richardson – Can sustainability sessions in undergraduate nurse education influence practice? Slides and Video

Tania Wiseman – Sustainable later leisure lifestyles – Slides and Video

Stephen Wythe and Jonathon Groome – Barts Health PVC recycling project – Slides and Video

Jackie Mitchell – Operation Smile – Slides and Video

Peter Allum –  An ethnographic study of sustainability attitudes and behaviour amongst operational NHS Ambulance staff – Slides and Video

Fiona MacNeill – Use of consumer-level wearable devices for measurement of health-related data. A bilateral scoping review – Video

Sabrina Carter – Sustainability in acute mental health practice: tackling waste from the ocean to the ward – Slides and Video

Chantelle Rizan – The carbon footprint of operating theatres: a systematic review – Slides and Video

Helen Herrera – REMEDY: ResponsiblE pharMacy practicE anD societY – Slides and Video

Lucy Colwell, Jamie Cooper and Nana Tomova – Getting it right: Towards sustainable solutions in Motivational Interviewing Education for inter professional working – Slides and Video

Rebecca Ritchie – Many actions can create big change – Slides and Video