Your Voice Shapes Our University: Give effective feedback
Your time here at university is just that – yours. As we approach the end of the year, we’re asking for your feedback, to help shape the teaching and learning experience for the remainder of your course and for our future students, too.
Completing your Module Check In survey can have a direct impact on the way in which your module is taught – we want to understand the areas of the module that you feel are going well, but also where we need to improve and your suggestions as to how. The survey will come as close to the mid-point of your module as possible, so that your feedback can make a real difference to your learning experience.
Once the survey has closed, you will receive a Student Feedback Report with a summary of the results and a response from your Module Leader. The more people that complete the survey, the better Module Leaders can tailor their teaching and delivery to focus on the aspects that they know their students enjoy. By sharing your views, you will help to elevate the voices of the other people on your module too.
The views and opinions you share through Module Check In will be anonymous and it should only take a few minutes to complete. To make your feedback as effective as possible, follow these simple steps:
- Be clear and specific: Think about activities and content of the module – assessment tasks, lectures, seminars. Provide examples of things you enjoyed and constructive suggestions for improvement. The more specific your examples the more actionable the outcomes will be.
- Focus on module content and substance: Comments about clothing, hairstyle, etc., are unhelpful.
- Be respectful: Your evaluation is a professional communication. Derogatory or offensive language is inappropriate and unhelpful.
- Give anonymous feedback: take care not to identify yourselves or others.
Check out the Brighton Students’ Union’s detailed guidance on how to give effective feedback and look out for emails from ModuleCheckInSupport@brighton.ac.uk to take the survey.
Anonymous 8 November 2023 - 12.31pm
Dear team,
I hope you are well.
I am writing because me and some other students, neurodiverse and with autism, have been affected by some noise near city campus, precisely coming from ground floor garden of 10 Dorset Gardens (drills, banging). It is at the Media centre on the corner of Dorset Place and Edward Street.This noise has been going on for a long time and it goes on all day. For me and other autistic students this noise can be often physically painful. I was wondering if the university Equality team and the manager building for Dorset place/Edward Street, could please liaise with the council in order/ to ask the owner of the property, to turn down the noise.
Please keep this email strictly anonymous and my details not being disclosed anyhow.
I appreciate any steps you will be able to take.Best wishes,
Anonymous students
Robin Coleman 9 November 2023 - 11.25am
Thanks for your message. I would advise that you log the complaint with Environmental Protection Service https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/environment/environmental-health-enquiries-and-complaints
just to check & clarify as if its builders/contractors there are working time frames around ‘noisy works’.