RaG Week 2014 – what to expect
Raise and Give (or RaG as you may see it being shortened to) week is coming up very soon. From 27 February until 8 March, students across Eastbourne, Hastings and Brighton will have the chance to raise money for selected charities by getting involved with lots of fundraising activities and events.
Kate Reynolds, Vice President for Activities and Events, tells us what RaG week involves and why it’s good to get involved.
“RaG at Brighton Students’ Union involves anything and everything that raises money for charity. We have three RaG societies, one each for Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings, which run wild and wacky events throughout the year. All of our RaG events are run by students! They are a great way to meet people, have a good time and build skills for your CV; all while raising money for charity! You can get in touch with your local campus admin for more info.”
If getting involved sounds good to you, you can be part of the society and take part in a challenge event. Find out more here and for RaG updates, follow your campus on Twitter – @RAGBrighton @RAGHastings @RAGEastbourne.