Student News and Events

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#NeverOk – How to use the Disclosure Tool

We are delighted to have you as part of our university community and there is nothing more important than everyone in our community feeling safe, respected and accepted.

You deserve to feel that way at all times, and we’re committed to continuing to make sure this happens. Our #NeverOK pledge represents our work to uphold this objective. Harassment and hate can take many forms, but it is #NeverOK and it has no space in our community.

If you’re affected by harassment of any kind, on or off campus, we are here to support you. You can use the Disclosure Tool, to inform us of an incident, either with your name or anonymously. It can be difficult to do so, but if you provide your name, we can talk to you about your safety, options for reporting, and support available. You can also use the tool to disclose an incident you’ve witnessed, everyone should feel able to speak out against harassment and hate.

The Disclosure Tool can also be used to report all forms of abuse including online abuse or ‘Sextortion‘ – this is the name given to an increasingly common form of blackmail, that involves threatening to share sexual information about someone. Learn more about how to protect yourself from online abuse.

You can find out more about night-time safety and what our Students’ Union are doing to maintain a safe and fun environment for Freshers on our recent blog post.


Katy Croft • 27 September 2023

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