#BreakTheBias: International Women’s Day 2022 event
International Women’s Day seeks to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and accelerate gender parity. This year’s theme #BreakTheBias, encourages us all to imagine a gender equal world, free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination.
Throughout the university community, staff and students are playing their part in promoting gender equality. Smashing stereotypes, pushing boundaries and making a difference.
Book your place for our headline International Women’s Day event now and keep an eye out for details of other events and ways to get involved with the celebration on Tuesday 8 March, coming very soon!
9:30 – 11am – #BreakTheBias: a panel event, Online
Book your place now to access our headline event
#BreakTheBias: a panel event is a free, online event, co-hosted with the University of Sussex. It is open to all University of Brighton staff and students and will be chaired by Professor Ruth Whittaker, our Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and Student Experience, University Executive Board Gender Champion, and Athena Swan lead.
The panel will feature colleagues and alumni reflecting on and discussing how they have broken the bias in their own work or field. This event promises to explore challenges, share insights but also offer inspiration. In addition to Professor Ruth Whittaker, the panel will feature:
Ama Frimpong graduated from the University of Sussex in 2016 with a Masters in Chemistry. After working for Explore Learning as an Assistant Director for just under a year, she moved to a more technical role as a Data Engineer for the Kubrick Group. Ama worked on site at the Bank of England as a contractor for two years, before moving into a permanent position with the bank.
Hannah Mason-Bish is a criminologist and co-director for the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Sussex. Over the last 15 years she has developed interests in misogyny, hate crime and the intersections of disability and gender. Her recent research looked at how disabled women and non-binary people experience non-consensual touching in public places. She has also advised on government policy related to hate crime at a national and international level.
Sufia Begum is President of Brighton Students’ Union (BSU). As such, she is the lead spokesperson for external media for BSU and sits on the University of Brighton’s Board of Governors and a wide range of committees to represent the student voice at the highest level.
Sanaz Fallahkhair is a Principal Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction from the School of Architecture, Technology and Engineering at the University of Brighton and manages the Brighton User Centered Design Laboratory. She is also a member of the Centre for Secure, Intelligent and Usable Systems and the Centre for Digital Media Cultures. Sanaz is passionate about technologies and publicly advocates for women in STEMM, both in academia and industry, seeking to engage with social communities and ethnic minority groups through social media.