Student News and Events

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SOS survey - win £500

Take part in this survey about Sustainability Skills with a chance to win £500

All students could be in with a chance of winning £500 by completing an online confidential survey about your time at university and the skills you develop for getting a job.

The short survey, which is being run in conjunction with Students Organising For Sustainability (SOS-UK), will take about 15 minutes to complete. The closing date is 14 November 2021 and students will be entered into a draw to win £500 or one of 10 £50 runner-up prizes.

Take part in the survey

About the research

This year, for the 11th year in a row, SOS-UK is repeating our research into student attitudes
towards and skills for sustainable development. We’re continuing with the same survey
questions, and also continuing to research students in further education along with those in
higher education.

This research has been key in helping us to secure funding for our national programme of
sustainability work, and also continues to provide evidence of demand for action on sustainable
development. But beyond that, we want this research to be as useful as possible for you and
that’s why we hope many of you will reach the response threshold to receive summary results for
students at your institution.


Robin Coleman • 25 October 2021

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