Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Anti-racist forum

Anti-Racist Forum – make sure your voice is heard

Ruth Whittaker, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students)

On Friday 26 March we are holding our second Anti-Racist Forum. Please take part so that your voice is heard.

At our Black Lives Matter Forum last summer, we were clear about the need for lasting change at the University of Brighton. We made a commitment to being accountable for change, and the upcoming event is part of that commitment. We have renamed the forum the Anti-Racist Forum as a clear signal that we abhor racism in all its forms, and our ambition is to become an anti-racist and inclusive institution.

However, we know that racism and racial inequalities are deeply rooted within society and so too within higher education institutions, including our own. We know we have much work to do, and want to work in partnership with our students to listen, learn, and take action on race equality – to create the change together.

On 26 March we will share some of the progress we have made, but also work together with you on the next steps. Please join us and be part of the change.

What is happening?

On 26 March, from 11am – 2pm you are invited to an online event, about the work are doing to become an anti-racist institution, and the action we need to take.

The agenda will be in four parts:

  1. an update on progress from the university;
  2. a live Q&A between students and members of the university’s Exec Board;
  3. smaller breakout rooms to discuss specific topics;
  4. summary and next steps.

Who is it for?

All University of Brighton and BSMS students – whether you are of colour or not. It is important that we all stand united against racism, and work together to tackle it.

How can I get involved?

When you sign up for the event, you will be able to submit the topics and questions that you think need to be discussed. Share the event with your friends and peers – encourage them to sign up too.

What if I can’t join this meeting?

We will share the outcomes afterwards, with clear next steps. This won’t be the last anti-racist forum – it is an ongoing journey to make the University of Brighton inclusive for everyone.

How do I sign up?

Follow the link here to sign up

I look forward to meeting you on 26 March, listening, and working together to make Brighton a truly anti-racist and inclusive university.

Ruth Whittaker, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students)

anti-racismBAMEBlack lives matterBrighton Students' Unionracial inequalitiesracismwellbeing

Alex Scarrott • 12 March 2021

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