Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Money Week 2021

Find out how Student Money Week can help you

We know that everyone’s budget is different, but we are very aware that many students are struggling with money this year.

This week is ‘Money Week’ when we will be trying to reach as many of you as possible to let you know how the Student Advice Service can help you.

We are running different events throughout the week, such as posting daily blogs about a range of topics from raising scam awareness to realistic budgeting and how to ditch the take-away. We will also be summarising the findings from our recent Money Week survey, which you may have completed, and addressing some of the issues which were raised.

Visit the Your Money Matters blog for Money Week posts

Join our live Student Advice Drop-in events

Are you unsure you’re getting the right amount of student funding or getting the right benefits to support you? Have you considered the funding implications of taking time off study? Or perhaps you’ve lost support from your parents and are in hardship?

All these and many other money related issues can be answered by the Student Advice team who are hosting three live group drop-in advice sessions which are open to everyone. All you need to do is come along and ask us your question.

How to attend one of our drop-in sessions

With no need to pre-book, simply choose a date below when you can attend and click the link at the start time. This will open up in Microsoft Teams where you’ll need to login with your university account.

For individual and personal questions relating to money, you can also email the Student Advice Service direct at any time using


Robin Coleman • 11 February 2021

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