Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Mental Health Awareness Week


The week of 16-22 May is Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW), which will be marked by a whole range of activities across the university.

All week, Student Support and Guidance Tutors will be coordinating activities and information stands with external organisations who will be on hand to listen, give support, and promote positive mental health.

This year’s MHAW theme is ‘Relationships.’ Strong relationships are so crucial to our overall wellbeing and mental health, so all week we’ll be encouraging you to think about ways to nurture those supportive connections with others.

Members of the Counselling and Wellbeing team and Student Support and Guidance Tutors will be extra visible during this week (see the full list of times and locations below), but please remember that they are available year-round to lend a caring ear. Just call your campus number or email them on



Monday 16 May
11am – 2pm, outside Sallis Benney Theatre

Information day (with free massage!)
Your Student Support and Guidance Tutors (SSGTs) are holding an information day on Monday 16 May at Grand Parade.  The theme this year is “Relationships Matter”.  Good relationships help us live longer and have happier lives with fewer physical symptoms and fewer mental health problems.  (And of course help us have a much better time at university too.)  So come along, share and receive tips on making the most of your relationships, and even take advantage of a free massage! You can find us outside the Sallis Benney Theatre between 11am and 2pm.

MIND will also be attending to offer information and advice on a range of mental health topics.


Wednesday 18 May
11am– 1:30pm, The SU corridor or outside Aldrich Library, Cockcroft Building

SSGT pop-up
Come by for a friendly chat with your Student Support and Guidance Tutor, get information and take part in a competition!

1 – 3pm, Creativity Centre, Cockcroft

‘Picture This!’
Feel like stepping out of your daily routine? Join in in a relaxing get together and experience the power of being connected

Evidence shows we can improve our emotional and physical wellbeing by staying connected to those around us. ‘Picture This!’ is a method of bringing students (and pictures) together. Bring a favourite or meaningful picture with you to our gathering place, the Creativity Centre, Cockcroft, anytime between 1pm and 3pm, and we can enjoy a chat about what makes them special to you. Beanbags provided!

11 – 1:30pm, The SU corridor or outside Aldrich Library, Cockcroft Building

‘Right Here’ stand
‘Right Here’ is an innovative health and wellbeing project led by volunteers aged 16-25. They support young people aged 13 – 25 across Sussex in a range of ways, from offering free resilience-building activities to making films and websites and creating awareness raising campaigns.

11:30 – 1pm, The SU corridor or outside Aldrich Library, Cockcroft Building

Samaritans stand
Samaritans give you an opportunity to talk about any thoughts or feelings you have, whatever they may be. They are available to listen to you and help you talk through your concerns, worries and troubles. They won’t tell you what you should do. We won’t make decisions for you, and we’ll support the decisions you make.

11.30- 1pm, The SU corridor or outside Aldrich Library, Cockcroft Building

MIND Stand

MIND will also be attending to offer information and advice on a range of mental health topics.


Monday 16 May

10 – 12pm, Checkland Atrium

SSGTs pop-up
Come and talk to your Student Support and Guidance Tutor.

Tuesday 17 May

1:05 – 1:50pm, Falmer Sports Centre

Free Zumba class (Please book in advance) 
Dance away the cobwebs!

Wednesday 18 May


Wellbeing walk
Meet outside Checkland at 12pm for a walk and talk in the local area with your SSGTs and fellow students.

Thursday 19 May

12 – 1pm, Checkland B502

A space for silence
Come and sit quietly for five minutes or a full hour. Stay as long as you like.

Friday 20 May

All day

Colouring around the campus
Coloured pens and adult colouring books will be available across the campus for a spot of relaxation and creativity.


All week, Medical Centre (Trevin Towers)

Relationship tree display
Celebrate your relationships by adding a name to our tree!

Monday 16 May
12 – 2pm, Greynore restaurant

SSGT drop in (Health Sciences)
If you have questions, exam stress or assignment struggles, drop by and your SSGTs can help you with them.

3 – 4 30pm, Library (2nd floor)

Wellbeing apps drop in
Come and try out some of the apps that can help you de-stress while improving your focus and performance.

Tuesday 17 May

1 – 5pm, Library Foyer

Samaritans stand
Representatives of the Samaritans will be on hand to talk to you about any worries you may have.

2:30 – 3pm & 3– 3:30pm, Library G14

Mindfulness activities.
Want to stay calm and focused? Come by one of two thirty- minute sessions of short breathing and mindfulness activities. Drop in, no need to book.

Wednesday 18 May
1– 5pm, Library foyer

Samaritans stand

Thursday 19 May

1 – 5pm, Library foyer

Samaritans stand

2:30 – 3pm & 3 – 3:30pm, Library G14

Mindfulness activities
Want to stay calm and focused? Come by one of two thirty-minute sessions of short breathing and mindfulness activities. Drop in, no need to book.

Friday 20 May

3 – 4 30pm, Library (2nd floor)

Wellbeing apps drop in
Come and try out some of the apps that can help you de-stress while improving your focus and performance.


Monday 16 May
10am – 12pm, Chat and tea, Student Lounge

Decorate our Tree
Come and contribute to our very own UBH poem.

Tuesday 17 May
10am – 12pm, Student Lounge

Make a gift
A craft stand where you can make a unique gift for someone you love.

12 – 2pm, Student Lounge

Samaritans stand
Health trainers information stand
Mindfulness colouring with Student Ambassadors
Introduction to Reflexology

Wednesday 18 May

4-6pm, Creativity Suite, Priory Square

Tone and stretch & Zumba (Please book in advance)
Join in with these Parklife classes for free.

Thursday 19 May, Priory Square Foyer

Health in mind information stand
Local mind information stand
Colouring and stress balls with Student Ambassadors
Add a thought to our Tree of Growth
Talk to representatives from local services

Friday 20 May, Around the campus

Chat with your SSGT and complete the Tree of Growth

Ed Bending • 11 May 2016

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