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Don’t let exams ruin your summer term

Top tips for managing stress, getting organised and rocking your exams

The summer term brings many joys: afternoons on the beach, (occasional) sunshine, iced coffee and Frisbee in the park.

But summer also brings exam time. This can be a cause of stress for students, but there are plenty of ways to ensure that exams don’t turn into a black cloud that ruins your summer.

The University of Brighton has loads of useful advice and information to help get you through the exam period without breaking a sweat:

There’s an entire suite of pages in our online Academic Study Kit which include short videos, relaxation tips, and strategies for improving your memory and making your revision truly effective.

We run wellbeing workshops on all campuses, specifically designed to help you manage stress, avoid procrastination, and excel in your studies.

Your Student Support and Guidance Tutors (SSGTs) are knowledgeable and approachable members of your department, always on hand to listen to your concerns and help you resolve them.

Make sure you are looking after yourself – eating well, staying active, chatting with friends, getting enough sleep and cutting down on alcohol and late nights.

This guide has some great ideas.

Check out the range of time management apps that are available – many of them for free. Here’s a guide to some of the best.

The main to keep in mind is that help is at hand. If you’re finding exam time a bit much, or just need someone to talk to, see your SSGT or get in touch with the counselling team.

Click here to watch a short video on managing revision stress.

Ed Bending • 18 April 2016

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