Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Student ambassadors

Interested in becoming a Student Ambassador for 2014/15?

If it sounds like something you want to do, here’s what you need to know.


A very generous £8.50 p/h with holiday pay


We put on a good spread at our events so if you’re working, you’re most certainly entitled to have a munch! bridey


Ambassadors get a paid 30 minute break for every six hours of work

Work when you want

You pick and choose when and where you work!

Everyone loves free stuff

You’ll get free stationary, free food, free entry to events and much more!

New friends

You’ll be part of a community with hundreds of other ambassadors. Each campus has ambassador socials, which could be a night out or a movie and pizza night or whatever you fancy.

We use Twitter and Facebook to advertise our ambassador roles, at the moment we aren’t recruiting but there will be a chance to apply in the new academic year.

Don’t worry, there are still other jobs to apply for around the uni.

We’re currently hiring Telephone Interviewers to work with the Philanthropy and Alumni department, click here for more information.

For more information about the jobs on offer to students at the uni, head to this page.

Ed Bending • 31 October 2014

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