Brighton Student Bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

Ugonna Okoro

What is it like studying a Biomedical Science degree at University of Brighton?

Develop your style at Brighton You can direct your own learning and suggest tools and methods that help you understand complex physiological systems. I have used and observed lab equipment including confocal, electron and atomic microscopes, spectrometers, spirometer and four-lead electrocardiograms. Real-life benefits of study My favourite module was Diet and Exercise. One of the…

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What is it like studying a Medicine degree at university?

Medical students interact with patients early on Within my first week of studying I was spending an afternoon in A&E at University Hospitals Sussex so we very quickly got comfortable interacting with patients. I’m in year 3 now where we have one day of lectures and Tuesday to Friday is on placement on a hospital…

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Thivya using a mannequin to study medicine

Choosing a course in Clearing – how I did it

I didn’t apply to university as I intended to take a gap year – I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to study so planned to take a year out to think about it. I changed my mind a few weeks before results day so I started researching and narrowed down a few courses and…

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