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What is it like studying a Medicine degree at university?

  • Author: Jamie Mccluskey, Medicine BM BS, Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Medical students interact with patients early on

Within my first week of studying I was spending an afternoon in A&E at University Hospitals Sussex so we very quickly got comfortable interacting with patients. I’m in year 3 now where we have one day of lectures and Tuesday to Friday is on placement on a hospital ward or joining a consultant for an outpatient clinic. We’re assigned to the same ward for five weeks so you really feel part of the team.

Exploring different medical disciplines

I’ve just finished my five-week placement in an acute psychiatric hospital, which was really different from every other field of medicine. Psychiatry can be very challenging but it was very rewarding to see the patients’ journey during the time I was there. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed my renal placement even when it was one of my least favourite topics to study. The teaching was excellent and I’ve been able to watch procedures like kidney biopsies or dialysis lines being inserted which was really cool.

My confidence has grown at university

The idea of placement and going into hospital used to fill me with a bit of anxiety but between my placement and weekend shifts as a healthcare assistant I’ve been forced to face that fear. I often think back on the practical skills I struggled with in first year like taking a history from a patient or measuring a blood pressure but through lots of practice and teaching I can now do them without a second thought. I still have two more years of the degree left so I’m excited to see how my skills continue to develop.

Proud to be part of the NHS

The pandemic has definitely been a reminder of the importance of health and the value of the NHS, it’s motivating seeing how hard all the staff at the hospital have worked over the last couple years and it makes me proud to call them my colleagues. It’s rewarding knowing that I’m going into a career that’ll directly support the NHS and improve the health of others.

Student looking at their phone

Word from the uni…

Interested in this course? Read the full course description for our medicine degree BM BS.

Interested in this subject? Here’s more Sport and Health Science degrees.

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biomedical scienceBiomedical Science BScBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)doctorMedicineMedicine BM BS

Jamie Mccluskey • 15th August 2022

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