Brighton Student Bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

My lockdown experience

Lockdown struck towards the end of my placement year, so not only did my studies go remote but also my placement role, which is a full-time job. However, certain support and routines have really helped me to cope and continue doing well during this difficult period.   * Keeping to a routine – This has definitely…

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My lockdown experience

With the rising concern of covid-19, educational institutions including schools and universities had to make the major adjustments of shifting to remote learning. As a student who has never experienced home-schooling or distance -learning of any kind, adjusting to this type of change was quite challenging. For example, I was used to meeting my friends…

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My lockdown experience

Initially I was worried about studying and completing assignments at home during lockdown. This was because I did not have access to the library or face-to-face contact with lecturers in seminars. However, the university used a programme called Microsoft Teams to allow lecturers to complete online sessions. This took a little while to get used…

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fashion studio

Beginning your placement search (fashion/textiles)

Thinking back to this time last year I am reminded of how stressed I was at the prospect of finding a placement that would fulfil me and that would look great for my CV. Now a year later I feel that I have really flourished and part of this is to do with all of…

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student studying

Dealing with university workload

Managing your workload at university is an important aspect in achieving a healthy work/play balance. Deadlines are often set at the end of semesters and so can lull you into a false sense of security over how long you have. This blog will outline my top tips for managing your work whilst still finding time…

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student talking to a staff member in the canteen

The advantages of being a mature student

Although I don’t feel like one, coming back to university at the ripe old age of 23 has made me a certified mature student, and it’s definitely been a completely different experience to my last degree. Having fully settled in, I thought I’d make a blog about how exactly things have been brilliant, and see…

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